Monthly Archives: August 2007

27 posts

Loldogs @ your Library

Loldogs @ your Library Originally uploaded by circulating Circulating posts at Flickr: We R ur community beggin fer access These pets spent most all of one day this week attempting and achieving entrance to the library. Seems their owner was busy inside but returning periodically to give them water in little cups. Some customers paused outside and waited to enter. Some children inside hurried to open the doors to let the dogs come right on inside. They could be heard barking from the second floor on occasion and were retrieved promptly when they scurried into the library’s Local and Family […]

Comment: No More Restrictive Policies

Sharon Clapp from the Connecticut State Library comments on this post: Right after I came aboard at the State Library in CT (just a couple of weeks before I ran my blogging workshop) last year, an edict came down from the higher-ups in state government reminding us that we may be monitored and that use of the computers and/or networks supplied by the state may not be used – even on breaks – to access personal email, to “surf” websites, etc. People who came to my blog workshop – having already been required to sign off on this internet […]

Professions Do Not Stand Still

I keep coming back to this post “I didn’t get an MLS to do that.” Professions do not stand still. Have you ever met a plumber who doesn’t work with PVC? An electrician who only uses knob and tube wiring? A firefighter who thinks those new fangled breathing masks are just too complicated? No, professionals who don’t keep up with the technologies that affect their work go out of business. Librarianship is not immune to that. We don’t have a choice. To me this is the most important reason. Even if we don’t like computers, our patrons do. Libraries […]

Gaming?? In an Academic Library? Oh YES! Like many academic libraries, our library has just remodelled two floors to make a Learning Common. It is aimed at capitalising on the building as a social space – a place that creates a community of learners and provides a venue for students to hang out and (hopefully) do some self directed learning. We are opening part of it 24/7 and have soft drink vending machines, junkfood vending machines, comfy couches, a coffee shop… Is a gaming space really so far from that continuum? During mid semester break, we have PC labs that stand empty. Would a leisure reading […]

Ask for What You Want

By Michael Casey & Michael Stephens When was the last time someone said lawyers or doctors needed to update their images into the 21st century? How many skits on Prairie Home Companion or Saturday Night Live have you seen where doctors appear as outdated, dowdy spinsters in need of love or romance? None. Yet Garrison Keillor’s “Adventures of Ruth Harrison, Reference Librarian” parades antiquated and stereotyped images of librarians as humor. Unfortunately, librarians are often portrayed as technologically backward, fearful of teens and loud noises, and overly protective of books to the point of not wanting anyone to “touch our […]

Tess reading Harry Potter

Tess reading Harry Potter Originally uploaded by Hennepin County Library Via Meg 2.0: Love this promotion for Harry at my library: Submit a photo of you, a friend, a family member reading HP7 to add to our Flickr photostream Blog your review and discuss the book. There are now 90 comments!! from readers on HP. Any library could this kind of thing to allow users to share their reading experience.