..about the future of the library Web site: Facebook is the 5th most valuable US Internet company. Use of the library web site by college students has DROPPED over 50% in the last two years. 1% of information seekers start at the library Web site. I think it’s time the Web Redesign Team at Anytown/Anycollege Library that has been meeting these past few months stopped and seriously considered what this means. Shouldn’t part of that time and energy be focused on emerging societal trends? Web trends? User needs? How can we better position the library’s resources online? How can we […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
http://www.43folders.com/2007/08/23/better-presentations One of my favorite blogs — Merlin Mann’s 43 Folders –and I can’t just pull out one bit of the post about presentations to highlight, so take a look. 🙂
The deadline has been extended to November 15, 2007: http://libraryjournal.com/info/CA606274.html The editors of Library Journal need your help in identifying the emerging leaders in the library world. Our seventh annual Movers & Shakers supplement will profile 50-plus up-and-coming individuals from across the United States and Canada who are innovative, creative, and making a difference. From librarians to vendors to others who work in the library field, Movers & Shakers 2008 will celebrate the new professionals who are moving our libraries ahead.
I’ve been following Adam Levine’s speaking tour of Australia with much interest: http://cogdogroo.wordpress.com/ This recent post about a presentation seemed a bit familiar: I did have an unhappy participant in the front of the room. When I get to the section of the talk on “The Internet is Really Big”, it was the Technorati slide on growth of the blogosphere that put her in motion. Hand goes up: “What is blogging? Why does it matter to me?” I really the questions of interruption, but was hoping I did not have to explain what a blog was- a simple web creation […]
Thanks Karen! While I wait for my hard copy to arrive, I really appreciated this post: http://freerangelibrarian.com/2007/10/24/oclcs-report-on-privacy-and-trust-the-nut-graf/ The general public respondents are more likely to have used a social networking or social media site (28%) than to have searched for or borrowed items from a library Web site (20%). [What! Is this report suggesting social networks might be more visible, available, and engaging than library catalogs?] The percentage of Internet users that have used a library Web site has decreased. Library Web site use declined from 30% of respondents in Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. in 2005 to 20% […]
http://librarianinblack.typepad.com/librarianinblack/2007/10/library-referen.html I stumbled upon this page from the American University Library showing their IM reference options, including a MeeboMe widget and a SMS to IM service (I’m sure that I saw it on somebody’s blog, or on some listserv — sorry, I don’t remember where). They have created an SMS to IM service where users can text a message to a particular number and include the word “askaulibrary” in their message. Nifty! Is anyone else doing this? Glad for this link. And isn’t it amazing how IM and SMS Reference keeps popping up, making inroads into our service models?
http://johnmiedema.wordpress.com/2007/10/23/johns-eight-laws-of-library-technology/ RSS and XML are cooler than you think. RSS is a simple Web 2.0 technology that completely changes our relationship with the web. Instead of having to go to the web, the web comes to you! If you learn nothing else about Web 2.0, learn RSS. It’s a great step toward what’s coming next. If you want to learn the next most important thing, learn XML, god’s gift to the web. XML is a character based data format that allows disparate systems to talk to each other. It is the heart of Web 2.0, which is righteous on so […]
Internet Librarian 2007 is upon us! This is my sixth year at this incredible showcase of innovative thinking, networking opportunities and FUN. http://www.infotoday.com/il2007/program.shtml Please don’t miss the Public Libraries track on Monday, October 29th! This track focuses on planning, people, and participation. It explores the shift toward patron involvement, librarians building resources for collaboration and communication, and how public libraries (PLs) are changing to meet the needs of the plugged-in, socially networked user. Organized and moderated by Jenny Levine, The Shifted Librarian, & Michael Stephens, Dominican University AND the last 45 min or so of the day will offer an […]
Erik and Geert in the Mothership Originally uploaded by Shanachietour Erik and Geert in the Mothership
Last night was our “Gaming in Libraries” session in my Library 2.0 course. We read some articles, discussed gaming programs in local libraries, and had some time for open play. Who knew that in library school you might get to do DDR? 🙂 Thanks to the LIS768’ers who brought gaming consoles, handhelds and the like – and to those who showed others how to play various games. Some folks explored Second Life as well, whiles others had a blast from the past with a rousing game of Asteroids. Thanks to Ruth for shooting the video. Photos to follow.