Yearly Archives: 2007

564 posts

I work on the web

I work on the web Originally uploaded by webchicken Webchicken adds to the IWoW meme: More and more people can use the Web to get around, but I like empowering people with the tools to search and evaluate. I feel most proud when helping someone “get it” and overcome their technophobia, if just for a minute. I’m sometimes disappointed with the lack of vision in embracing technology (from administrators and educators). Unless we start doing a better job of teaching information literacy, this will only get worse.

Social Grieving Cindi Trainor shares a personal reflection on loss and grief for a colleague. My thoughts are withher and the staff of her library: I sat down tonight to write about how cool it is that many of us at EKU are grieving with each other through Facebook. We’re sending hugs and professing our sadness, and while I do take some comfort from seeing these electronic tidbits of humanity, it seems trite now to put it into words, the magic somehow hollowed and lost between seeing and posting. Instead I hope not to make the same mistake again. Of course […]

10 Questions For The Agency Executive (New Librarian)

At Logic + Emotion: David Armano ponders digital immigrants and digital natives. He offers up a list of questions for ad/PR agency executives, pondering what kind of answers he might get. I think these might figure well into an interview for that emerging technology librarian job — or, really, for any librarian job these days… 1. Do you read blogs. Which ones? 2. Do you have a personal blog? What’s it about? 3. Do you participate in at least one social network? Which one? 4. Have you ever uploaded a video online? What did you use to do it? […]

This is me – I work on the Web

This is me. I work on the Web. I live in Mishawaka, Indiana (and Oak Park, Illinois) and I work with the web and librarians – examining the way the Web and emerging technologies can further the mission and vision of libraries. I’ve written a Weblog called Tame the Web since 2003. I use the Web everyday in my work: teaching, writing and speaking. I use the Web as a way to teach library students and as a way to learn myself. I capture screenshots and log URLS for future blog posts, class lectures, and food for thought. I use […]

Attention Trendspotting Librarians: Ten Future Web Trends

Don’t miss this post from Richard McManus at Read/Write Web: Here they are: Semantic Web Artificial Intelligence Virtual Worlds Mobile Attention Economy Web Sites as Web Services Online Video/Internet TV Rich Internet Apps International Web Personalization This list resonates with me. Each and every one will impact libraries and library services. They will also impact the roles of information professionals. By understanding the implications and consequences of each of these trends while planning services, we can play a key role in the directions these trends take. This is perfect discussion material for your next staff meeting — and for […]

Teaching the Social Web

Don’t miss these two articles by Pierce County Library Trainer Steve Campion. Campion offers some excellent tips and insights for teaching the social Web and creating the social library: We prepared for the changing nature of the topic by building change into our syllabus. We kept the teacher’s outline to two and a half pages and the students’ to a single sheet. We offered a two-page glossary of terms and left our website list online to be accessed and adjusted whenever the need arose. And, as many TTW readers will certainly understand, I heart this: Learn with your students. […]

Job Posting: Emerging/New Tech Reference Librarian & Some 2.0 Thoughts

Rochelle posts a job opening at her library: Emerging/New Technology Reference Librarian The La Crosse Public Library Information Services Team is looking for an energetic library professional who can apply updated practices and perspectives to a traditional reference setting. We seek a team member who will evaluate, teach, coordinate and implement new and emerging technologies, will coordinate the overhaul of our existing web site and who understands 2.0 as a service concept, not just a tech thing. Characteristics desired: evident sense of play and discovery, unflappability in the face of change and ambiguity, and an ability to appreciate existing […]