Robin Hastings writes: What did we get out of this process? We learned our staff are willing and able to understand the new technologies that our patrons are using. We also learned some specific lessons about presenting this sort of training experience. Next time, we will include the Life Long Learners portion of the PLCMC program—a tutorial that explains the “7 & 1/2 habits” of lifelong learners to help our staff get into the spirit of being self-taught and self-motivated. We will also offer live question-and-answer sessions at least monthly, if not weekly, to help staff understand difficult concepts […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
Day in the Life of SC Libraries on Flickr Some people think anonymous blogging is lame. It’s the only way I know how to protect myself, my library and the poor patrons whose stories I tell here. But I am telling you now, there is nothing anonymous about this to me. That’s why I’m reading this one, to emphasize that I have a voice, I have a body, I am an individual person. This is me, sharing my personal experiences, receiving your feedback. There is nothing anonymous about walking through this life knowing that I – me, this little person in this little life – I – am […] From Amanda Etches-Johnson: I was at the IA Summit in Vegas back in March (my first one) and the conference planners did a lot of things that I would categorize as Good Conference Ideas. I started writing this post weeks ago (while I was still in Vegas, in fact) and, having just returned from CiL, where a lot of these ideas would have worked really well, I thought it was time to polish off this post and get it up here. So, here you go then, a photo essay of Good Conference Ideas (that are definitely worth stealing). Ideas […]
Social Connections Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Good Morning Charleston! Today (after a delayed flight from Florida last night…ugh) I am in Charleston, SC for the Charleston Public Library Staff day. They sent me a shirt to wear with the theme of the day: “Libraries Building Social Connections.” Get this: it’s in a state park and they told me to wear flip flops! More later!
Greetings from SWFLN! Naples, Florida Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Today I did a “Library 2.0” presentation for some cool folks from the Southwest Florida Library Network at the lovely Collier County Library in Naples, Florida. Thanks to all who attended!
Brian Want, at the Wanted Librarian, writes: In the hunt for an engaging weekend activity, my friend Bradley and I decided to celebrate Earth Day and attend Chicago’s first annual Green Festival (not affiliated with the political party) at McCormick Place. What a fun, inspiring, educational, and network-oriented event! In addition to speakers and other special programming, the Green Festival brought hundreds of exhibitors under one roof, including publishers, socially responsible builders/investors, organic/veggie food vendors, eco-travel agencies, activist organizations, green media outlets, and lots more. There was so much INFORMATION being exchanged and so many people meeting one another, […]
Via Jenimi: Chris Harris on “Five Reasons Not to Blog:” 1. “I want to give them a piece of my mind!” 2. “Oh, the stories I could tell.” 3. “I think I can find some time at school…” 4. “Nobody will find out that it’s me.” 5. “It’s OK, I will keep it private.”
This is huge! Roy Tennant is joing the staff of OCLC. Roy has inspired me with his writing and speaking for a long time. Broad, environmental changes are shaking libraries to the core. Sites like Amazon show just how user hostile our library catalogs are. Thousands of books are beginning to appear free on the web from massive digitization projects. These changes are forcing a critical review of where we spend our money and time. Any way you look at it, these are amazing times for libraries. In our time we have witnessed a revolution in information access not […]
Library 2.0 Summit at Mississippi State Originally uploaded by mstephens7. This Summit is for everyone who wants libraries to matter in a web-savvy world. If your library is already using wikis, blogs, podcasting, folksonomies, social networking, or other Internet media, this Summit is for you. And if you’re not certain what some of those words mean, this summit will be invaluable! Is your library blogging, using Instant Messenger, promoting services through Flickr and Facebook, or using a customized OPAC complete with user reviews and electronic book bags? Or would you just like to learn the vocabulary, pick up practical […]