Yearly Archives: 2007

564 posts

FGL: Thoughts & prayers are with you…

The Feel Good Librarian writes: As a customer service person, I am usually not comfortable asking for things. I am used to providing assistance, helping and encouraging people. I anticipate needs, ask follow up questions and provide current, historical and background information. Now, however, I have a request to make. I found out this week that I have cancer. I don’t mean to be melodramatic – this is a good kind to have, if there is such a thing, with a 97 percent cure rate. After surgery, I have one-time chemo. My hair won’t fall out and I won’t […]

DCPL on del.ic.ious

DCPL on del.ic.ious Originally uploaded by Dublin City Public Libraries. Nice site at Dublin City PL. Check out the organization: Dublin City Public Libraries provides an extensive list of suggested websites on del.ic.ious, each with an introducton to give you some idea of the site and its usefulness. The sites are ‘bundled’ or organised into categories to help you focus your search and assist you in deciding what resources to use. SEE

Join the Conversation

Join the Conversation Originally uploaded by mstephens7. As a regsitered Starbucks card holder (Venti Awake 4 Splendas and Room, please), I get mass emails from the company promoting their services. This one promotes their book discussion and urges folks to “join the comnversation” at an online social forum called Libraries, do you promote your discussions this way? Do you invite your users to join the conversation? I know some do and they do it well… but if you haven’t offered your users a way to join the conversation, now might be time to ponder it, as Starbucks nips at […]

The Dutch Visit Kankakee

Take a look at the incredibe Kankakee Public Library blogs for coverage of Japp and Erik’s visit: It’s nice to see this type of coveage on library blogs! The folks at KPL are truly on top of the blogging game!

Some Vendor Syncronicity

While Steven Cohen points to Innovative Interfaces Flickr account, Roy Tennant writes an incredible open letter to ILS vendors: Dear ILS Vendor: Like it or not, your world has changed. Libraries now have reasonable ILS options beyond commercial offerings. Not only are there open source applications like Koha and Evergreen, there are outfits like LibLime and Equinox Software lined up to provide support. Libraries would be stupid to not give serious consideration to transitioning to an open source solution and save thousands of dollars while gaining the latest in cutting edge technology at the same time. Please read the […]

Boston Postponed!

Driving Back to Indiana, February 14, 2007 Originally uploaded by mstephens7. A big shout out to the folks at Boston Public Library and Simmons GSLIS! The weather caused us to postpone my visit one week, so instead I drove home to Indiana for some R&R and work on my dissertation. It’s nice to be at home after a scary drive through lake effect snow. Everyone stay warm and safe..and I’ll see folks in Boston on the 22nd.

Pass It On

Nancy Dowd, from the New Jersey State Library, responds to the astounding news of the Illinois bill to ban on social networking sites in libraries: Sounds like the right time for your readers to join our experimental marketing campaign! The goal is to make a “library video” not only the most viewed, but to break the record for the most comments ever posted to one video on YouTube. Talk about the value of social networking! The idea is to have people post their three reasons and then pass the word to five friends. Of course what makes it even better […]

What? Huh? Illinois Bill to Ban Social Software (Updated)

I can’t believe this… I hope the Illinois Library Association rallies around this to oppose it! Illinois librarians — are you listening? I hope we get a statement soon from the ILA and Illinois State Library! (Emphasis mine) ILA Update # 1 NEWS RELEASE — For immediate release Saturday, 10 February 2007 Latest Developments Yesterday, Senator Matt Murphy (R-27, Palatine) filed Senate Bill (SB) 1682, only minutes before the bill introduction deadline in the Illinois Senate. The summary is below: Senate Bill 1682 Creates the Social Networking Web site Prohibition Act. Provides that each public library must prohibit access to […]

Library 2.0: A Guide to Participatory Service

Library 2.0: A Guide to Participatory Service Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Library 2.0 A Guide to Participatory Library Service By Michael Casey and Laura Savastinuk Two of the first and most original thinkers on Library 2.0 introduce the essential concepts and offer ways to improve service to better meet the changing needs of 21st century library users. Describing a service model of constant and purposeful change, evaluation and updating of library services, and user participation, the book both outlines the theoretical underpinnings of Library 2.0 and provides practical advice on how to get there. From incorporating technology to reaching “the […]