Yearly Archives: 2007

564 posts

Congrats to Brian Kelly! Richard Wallis writes: I had the great pleasure last night of helping UKOLN’s Brian Kelly celebrate his award of IWR Information Professional of the Year. The well deserved award was presented at Online Information 2007 yesterday. Woohoo! I’ve had the pleasure of presenting with Brian a few times. He is truly an innovator in the UK and beyond.

Blogging for Dominican Faculty

Faculty Seminar Series, Tuesday, December 4 at 12:30 p.m. in the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (Parmer 115C). Michael Stephens (Graduate School of Library and Information Science) will present Weblogs, Libraries & Librarians. Lunch will be available (a chili bar, including meat and vegetarian chili). Yesterday I had the honor to talk about my research and the Biblioblogosphere with faculty from all over the university. It was a great experience – and oh boy was I nervous! The presentation went well as did the discussion after. And the vegetarian chili rocked. I promised all who attended a copy of […]

Southeast Library System / Eastern Library System Fall Colloquium: “On Librarian 2.0,” Cornhusker Marriott, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Southeast Library System / Eastern Library System Fall Colloquium: "On Librarian 2.0," Cornhusker Marriott, Lincoln, Nebraska. Originally uploaded by mstephens7 Thanks to all who came out for my talk last week in Lincoln, Nebraska. We had a nice dinner, some wine and some good conversation. Here’s the presentation:

Article: Sink or Swim: Managing RSS Feeds with Better Groups

Great post at one of my favorite productivity blogs, 43 Folders: So it dawned on me to group my feeds by the way in which I want to read them, not by topic. If there were some feeds that I didn’t mind missing, and some of which I wanted to read every single word, I should organize them that way, not by their putative subject areas. Here’s what I came up with: News – Self-explanatory, but specifically feeds from traditional news outlets like the New York Times, BBC, et al that pump out so much stuff I can’t possibly […]

Some IM & Meebo Links

Dutch students protest via IM and text: Dutch high school students have been “on strike” this week, protesting against extra school hours. Students spread word to join protests on Friday and Monday using online and mobile phone text messages. Meebo embedded in the library catalog: We added a Meebo widget to unsuccessful keyword searches in our library catalog. This way, when a customer searches our catalog and doesn’t find anything, they can contact us via IM and ask for help (we also display our phone number if they want to call). Hooray! This is exactly what we were […]

Socializing Around Games

After our discussion Monday night in lass of Beck and Wade’s “Got Game,” it was nice to see this at The Shifted Librarian: I think the social interactions and socialization that takes place around gaming are often overlooked as being something less valuable than when it happens around books. This is one of the reasons that (as with anything) you can’t truly understand the benefits of video games in libraries if you’ve never played them. It’s why I encourage regional organizations (like state libraries and consortia) to purchase a console in order for their member librarians to experience this. It’s […]