The Changing Digital Environment

Kyle Slides


Click here to see Kyle’s Slideshare presentation


Kyle Jones is a Dominican GSLIS student and my graduate assistant. Kyle was in my LIS701 class last fall and now we are working together on various projects. I wanted to point you to his presentation on digital literacy and a post he wrote at his blog about “The Power of Web 2.0.” It illustrates on a personal level how social connections and involving yourself in various networks can have a positive spin. Kyle writes:


Web 2.0 is more than a buzz word. It is a virtually living environment that can positively affect your personal and professional development. I’d like to think that I’m proof of that.


I believe LIS students are in a perfect position to tap into these networks and share their thoughts, insights and concerns as a viable and needed part of the conversation. In the 90s, during my program, it was highly unlikely that folks might see one of my class presentations on the Web with an invitation to comment. Now, anyone with access can click on the link above and participate in a digital extension of Kyle’s work.


I am very happy to have LIS students Kyle Jones and Lee Leblanc writing for TTW.