Tony Tallent posts a pic: And writes: This sign is over the children’s library information desk at Cerritos Library. Doesn’t get any clearer than this.
Monthly Archives: June 2008
I’ve had a great time watching the folks twittering the ALA conference this week. For my ALA TechSource post, I thought I’d look at how Twitter helped, hindered (?) and augmented the conference. I have some ideas but I want to see what anecdotal evidence will do to my thinking. If you want to share a brief anecdote, a favorite tweet/twitter moment, or anything related, please email me: mstephens7 (at)
IMG_2623, originally uploaded by Hidden Peanuts.
Library Society of the World wins the “California Dreaming” conference game team competition, originally uploaded by ALA – The American Library Association.
LSW team pulls ahead in the “California Dreaming” big game as of noon PDT, originally uploaded by ALA staff.
ALA’s Safety Orange Bag, originally uploaded by rhastings.
Evette Atkins and Steven Bowers, originally uploaded by Library Journal. 2008 Movers & Shakers Evette Atkins and Steven Bowers, who attended high school together, share a page and a table at LJ’s Movers & Shakers lunch. Check the 2008 ALA Annual Conference page for more live coverage:
Sassy Cadi, originally uploaded by dandlymambly. Fashion accessory of the conference!
Helene Blowers pointed to Matt Gullet’s post about moving to the great Northwest: Lastly, some may look at this move and say that is crazy, risky, stupid, etc. He is flying without a parachute or a net. Yes, I agree to some extent that doing this is a bit risky, but sometimes in life we need to do things a bit different by trusting and have some faith that things will work out. Library culture isn’t typically a place that handles risk well, but on the other hand that is the nature of a library (a stable place and space). […]
Pick me!, originally uploaded by Newport Public Library. THIS encourages my heart for sure! Don’t miss this set: