Monthly Archives: October 2008

51 posts

Library Blog: Embedded Training & Video I caught note of this via Twitter. Thanks Kenley! Take a look at this post at the Luria Library’s blog. They’ve turned on video comments as well as sharing an embedded slide show that details basic searching of Ebscohost.  This so ties into my takeaways from spending a day at IDEA2008. So much of what we do in the library world and design world comes down to interaction, extension of human feeling, offering something useful and ease of use. This is a perfect example of those things coming together perfectly.

Libraries on my Cereal!

Libraries on my Cereal!, originally uploaded by Kables. Kables writes: For my librarian friends: Safeway is promoting public libraries on the back of its cereal boxes (well, at least this one cereal box). Emphasized are reference services, hangin’ out, ILL, internet, and multigrain oatey clustery goodness.

LIVE Banned Books Display

Via Kyle: Adrienne sez, “We’ve created a ‘live’ Banned Book Display at our library [Twin Hickory Public Library, Glen Allen, VA]. We have volunteer readers who sit in the display and read (silently) banned and challenged books. So far it’s gotten a lot of attention – we hear a lot of ‘Mom, what are those people doing in there?’ The best part has been hearing parents explain to their kids what the display is all about which is exactly what we wanted to happen!” Twin Hickory Public Library, Glen Allen, VA (Thanks, Adrienne!)