Apple on Thursday announced that more than five billion songs have been purchased and downloaded from its iTunes Store. According to NPD MusicWatch figures, the iTunes Store is the number one music retailer in the U.S.; Apple also says that the iTunes Store is the most popular online movie store in the world, with people renting and buying more than 50,000 movies every day. File this under “What to do about the AV department.”
Yearly Archives: 2008 …there’s definitely lots going on with video, but I firmly believe most people spend so much time in their pyjamas they won’t want to be on video most of the time they spend online. It’s hard enough to get people to use their own names in discussion forms, blog and article comments.Someone sent us a link to this WordPress plugin the other day that allows people to make comments in blogs with videos. It’s kind of neat and perhaps the kind of thing we’ll be seeing more of soon. It’s complimentary to the Web 2.0 activity that already exists rather than […] This is GOLD if you are pondering self check, etc: (emphasis mine) Make it all or nothing. When we made the strategic decision to move to customer self check we removed the option for customers to have staff assist them in checking out materials. We made the decision to replace most of our staff terminals with self check units. I have seen a lot of libraries put up 1 or 2 units, off to the side of the circulation desk, but this is really a losing effort that has no meaningful impact. People are slow to change unless they no […] …Now let’s strip away the technology for a moment and look just at the activities that are bolded above. Are there tools beyond Web 2.0 that we can use to strengthen our school library’s importance in our students’ learning lives? Let’s try the list of important themes and concepts again, this time mapping to non-technology things we find in strong libraries: Working together (combining individual research into a group project, being part of a broadcast team, re-enacting a storytime tale through drama, contributing findings to a community “graffiti” bulletin board) Finding and sharing one’s voice (via meaningful instructional projects that call […]
Profiles have great potential, writes David Warlick: I’ve mentioned this in some of my presentations, that I do not believe that we – educators older than 30 (arbitrarily chosen age) – truly understand social networks yet. For instance, we’re trying to grow individual and independent social networks out of every discipline, school level, and just about any other probable community of educational interest. I’ll bet I’ve been contaced by e-mail or phone call by no fewer than ten people over the past month, each wanting me to see their social network. “This social network is going to revolutionize physical education!” What strikes me […]
Insightful post by Brian Kelly: As I described in my response “Even If We’re Wrong, We’re Right” Martin’s post gave me a fresh insight into these issues. But what, I wonder, are the implications if we’re right? Perhaps it’s now timely to ask ourselves: What if externally-hosted services do turn out to be sustainable? What if technologies such as AJAX, coupled with ARIA support, provide usable and accessible services and define the type of user experiences which our users will expect in the services they use? What if an’edupunk‘ approach succeeds in implmenting change, leaving behind the more formal approaches to IT […]
embrace, originally uploaded by Skokie Public Library. A growing collection of posters inspired by Skokie Public Library members, staff, programs, and spaces.
I admire Steve Campion. He takes risks..gets me thinking. Don’t miss this: Will we see the ALA version next week? I’d gladly kick up my heels.
Haunted Mansion, originally uploaded by OpenThreads. Just a note about one of many exciting things coming up at ALA2008 in Anaheim this week. The Scholarship Bash is at Disneyland! So here’s my story: In 1975 when I was ten years old, I went to California with my mom for a week’s visit with relatives. The highlight was going to be visiting Disneyland to tour the Haunted Mansion! Imagine my disappointment when arriving at the park and seeing the sign at the ticket booth: The Haunted Mansion is closed for refurbishing. I learned a new word that day: […]
See the full video from the Shanachies at DOK here: