Monthly Archives: June 2009

25 posts

Library Job Searching in a Tough Economy

When I read recently that I had been one of 200 potential candidates for an academic library position I came to the sad realization that, yes, this economy was going to affect my job search tremendously.  As a recent graduate from Dominican University’s LIS program, I’ve been on the hunt for a few months and my techniques for searching have changed quite dramatically.  I used to sample a few sites a couple times a week and browse through the listings in ACRL publications, but recently I’ve refined my attack to be much more effective.  I’d like to share what I’ve […]

Netflix and Libraries from Librarian, Interrupted

Librarian, Interupted writes: I think the first place I came across the idea was at Jenny Levine’s blog – see The Shifted Librarian: The Exeter Public Library Does Netflix .    Here I am two years later still wondering how Netflix is working in libraries.  Is it still working?  Have the executives at Netflix shut everyone down?  Did all the ‘naughty’ libraries get a copy of “There Will Be Blood” as recommended in that NEWSWEEK article?  I really wanted to know.  So, I decided to just go ahead and ask.  I chose to check in on the Cook Memorial Library way up in Tamworth, NH from that article in Library […]

Library Building Trading Cards? Recently my sixth grade students have been working on a research project about our National Parks. One of their project choices was making a National Park trading card based on their research using this site: I had a few directions written down for the students and they had no problems doing this without much assistance. After they created the card, they dragged it to their desktop. Then they doubleclicked on the image to open it full size and were able to print the card full size without all the other text on the website page. (We are on […]