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Just posted this comment:
I use social tools extensively in my teaching and interaction with students. From Facebook office hours to a WordPress/BuddyPress course site developed with an outstanding grad student, I would virtually have my hands tied during this “experiment.” I agree with commenters above: how about a week without phone service so faculty would have to walk across campus to chat with a colleague or ask a question. Or shut down access to library databases for a week and rely on the library’s print collection for resources.
I’m much more interested in the connected campus concept – how are educational institutions embracing emerging tech to extend their mission. A million times more interesting to study those possibilities/drawbacks/unforeseen consequences than “to evaluate the extent to which social media are woven into the professional and personal lives of the people on the Harrisburg campus” by turning everything off.
I also appreciate the comments about IRB applications. Thanks to Jen Waller for sending me the link. This will be useful for class discussion for sure! 🙂
The provost’s bio is here: