Daily Archives: January 17, 2012

3 posts

Web 2.0 & Libraries Parts 1 & 2 Available Free on Hyperlinked Library Site

I am happy to announce the full text of both of my ALA Library Technology Reports are available now at the new TTW companion site The Hyperlinked Library. The rest of the site is currently under construction, but for now you’ll find: Web 2.0 & Libraries: Best Practices for Social Software (2006) – http://thehyperlinkedlibrary.org/libtechreport1/ Web 2.0 & Libraries: Trends & Technologies (2007) – http://thehyperlinkedlibrary.org/libtechreport2/ Special thanks to my SJSU SLIS grad assistant Patrick Siebold who worked very hard the past few weeks inputting the content. I know the examples from ’06 and ’07 may seem out of date and quaint in some […]

Please Help TWIL

Folks – Please follow these links and read about the grass roots effort to help our colleagues and friends at “This Week in Libraries.” http://www.facebook.com/helptwil http://helptwil.tumblr.com/post/15878761386/help-twil-it-is-time-to-lend-a-hand This Week In Libraries has done so much for developing libraries worldwide. The show shares the stories of library innovations and best practices from all over the world. Now it’s our chance to help out. Our favorite hosts Erik and Jaap need our help. We want to do some crowd-funding for them. We are committed to raising enough money to keep TWIL on the air for its third season in 2012. Our goal is […]

Office Hours Extra: The Salzburg Curriculum

The mission of librarians and museum professionals is to foster conversations that improve society through knowledge exchange & social action Lifelong learning in & out of formal educational settings These topics are equally applicable to librarians and museum professionals These topics must be contextualized The following values permeate these topics: Openness & transparency Self reflection Collaboration Service Empathy & Respect Continuous Learning/Striving for Excellence (which requires lifelong learning) Creativity and imagination The Salzburg Global Seminar convenes numerous meetings throughout the year focused on creating solutions  for issues on an international level. In October, I was honored to participate in the […]