Monthly Archives: March 2012

22 posts

SJSU SLIS Presentation at PLA

Today and tomorrow I’m doing a mini-presentation at our SJSU SLIS Booth in the exhibit hall. It’s based on trends talks I do as well as my class “The Hyperlinked Library.” The slides are here: I’m happy to chat with anyone about our programs and opportunities for learning. Please stop by the booth and say hi if you can. Dr. Michael Stephens Thursday, March 15 3:00 pm–3:30 pm  & Friday, March 16 11:30 am–12:00 pm Hyperlinked Libraries: Emerging Tech & Emerging Trends: What trends and technologies are impacting public library service? What does the evolution of library physical and virtual space look […]

Pinterest and the New Meaning of Curation – A TTW Guest Post by Rick Thomchick

I have read quite a bit lately about the concept of social curation and sites such as Pinterest, a “virtual pinboard” for organizing and sharing images. ”Curation” is very much the nom en vogue these days for a number of disparate activities, and I imagine many librarians roll their eyes when they see this term used to describe RSS news aggregators, search filters and even brand strategy. Nevertheless, the rise of Pinterest has been nothing short of meteoric, and even Syracuse University’s iSchool is getting into the act, so I decided to try out the site and see for myself just how “curative” it really is. The first […]

Futurist Thinking

Take a look at Thomas Frey’s post about libraries: Somewhere in the middle of this question lies the nagging fear and anxiety that we see brimming to the top among library insiders. People who think libraries are going away simply because books are going digital are missing the true tectonic shifts taking place in the world of information. Libraries are not about books. In fact, they were never about books.

That Human Voice & Connection Today, I’m enjoying reading the above post from the good folks at Darien Library. This is one of many posts that shares what everyone is reading in the Reader’s Advisors group. The human voice that comes through is pleasant and conversational. This may be something to roll into my courses – practical experience being the human voice of the library!

See You at PLA! Presentation at SJSU SLIS Exhibit Space

If you’re attending PLA next week, please look for me at the SJSU SLIS Exhibit Space at Booth 2100. I’m doing a short presentation: Dr. Michael Stephens Thursday, March 15 3:00 pm–3:30 pm  & Friday, March 16 11:30 am–12:00 pm Hyperlinked Libraries: Emerging Tech & Emerging Trends: What trends and technologies are impacting public library service? What does the evolution of library physical and virtual space look like? This presentation explores the hyperlinked library model through a lens of participatory service, transparency and emerging technologies. I’m happy to chat with anyone about our programs and opportunities for learning.

“Club Milner”

“We cannot keep libraries the same exact way. We cannot hope that our students will use the old technology. Hope is not a strategy for us,” she said. “We need to change; we need to transform; we need to find new ways to deliver information. And we are after the whole person, not just the brain.” Dean of University Libraries Sohair Wastawy Don’t miss this article about the changes at the Milner Library at Illinois State.

Think Like an Activist

At several points in my life I have had the opportunity to work closely with activists. I have seen political, social, and union activists up close and in action. The true activist is a special breed who is in touch with a different reality that is just outside the reach of the present. They have been touched by a holy spirit of change that drives them forward. Librarians can learn a great deal from activists. Activists do not just have energy and passion. They are absolutely goal focused. Ego is left behind. Partnerships are a necessity because resources are always […]

New Article: Transforming Online Learning @ SJSU Today Here is a bit of an article I wrote for SJSU Today: I believe a focus on play and experimentation is needed for 21st century learning success. These newer forms of learning – play and experimentation – can prepare students for the world they will work in after they graduate, and for years to come. I emphasize this focus on experimentation via the assignments in my online courses. In my class called The Hyperlinked Library and Emerging Technologies, students create media-based reports on recent books related to society and culture. Any media platform or 2.0 tool that can be […]