Yearly Archives: 2012

190 posts

Build Your Own Neighborhood Library

Our little library gets some local press: By Samantha Tengelitsch Spider Lake Little Free Library under construction Little Free Libraries – mini fridge-sized neighborhood book “houses” neighbors borrow books from and donate books to – are sprouting up around the nation. This summer, the Traverse Area District Library jumped in on the trend, launching and funding the first Little Free Library of its own in the Kids Creek neighborhood. “Kids Creek was completely enthused by it,” says TADL marketing and communications manager Kristen Talaga. “They have a really supportive community.” Neighborhood resident Becky Mang volunteered to act as steward for […]

Badges for Teens – A TTW Guest Post by Steve Campion

Every year Pierce County Library System unveils a new Summer Reading Program. This year we’ve taken the teen program online (Teen Summer Challenge and challenged participants to explore their interests, their library, and their community through activities and masteries. Challengers can share their experiences, earn badges and achievements, interact with friends, claim their mastery of an activity group, earn library fine rebates, and share reviews of the books, music, movies, and places they love. Best of all, teens throughout out county library system can participate in the challenge together in one place! The program has been going for more than […]

The Book I am no Longer Reading (by TTW Contributor Troy Swanson)

I am no longer reading the book 1493 by Charles Mann (see my previous post about Mann’s earlier book, 1491, here). I was reading it but it just disappeared from my iPad. I had downloaded it via Overdrive from my local public library. My two-week loan period is over, the book vanished, and I am now back on the waiting list. I am at a point in my life where I just don’t have time to read for fun. I just don’t have time to curl up with books any more. Young children, work responsibilities, side projects, homeownership, and the […]

Links for my IFLA Presentation

Here are the links for my presentation on Tuesday. Please say hello if you attend! Paper: “23 Things” as transformative learning: promoting confidence, curiosity and communication via library staff professional development Slides:

Greetings from IFLA!

After long hours of travel from Traverse City, I arrived late last night in Helsinki. I am looking forward to the networking events, caucus and my presentation. I will also be at the SJSU SLIS  exhibit booth (#A109) Sunday afternoon and Wednesday morning for those who would like to say hello. Here are the details on my session:   The influence of new developments of information technology on professional development in libraries Information Technology with Education and Training 14 August 2012 16:00 – 18:00 | Room: Session Room 4 Librarians’ attitudes towards mobile services NOA AHARONY (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, […]

News: Internet Librarian International in London – See you in October!

Donna Saxby Michael Stephens Rurik Thomas Greenall The Internet Librarian International Conference Chairs for 2012,Donna Saxby, Michael Stephens and Rurik Thomas Greenall, look forward to welcoming you to the most international, inspiring and varied conference of the year. The conference for library innovation and creativity, where ideas and experiences from a multitude of sectors and from all over the world are shared. From an airport librarian to a video journal, from gaming to Google, from mobile services to teaching and learning. If you’re interested in connecting with users and developers, in the creation of content or dancing with data , there is a huge range […]

What Ho? Computer Lab (by TTW Contributor Mick Jacobsen)

Computer Labs are the ugly ducklings of libraries, very rarely get discussed, very few presentations on best practices, disgruntles reference librarians everywhere “I did not go to library school to help somebody play with Facebook”, and all that jazz.  I have never understood that opinion but I am not here to try and change anybody’s mind about the need, but to discuss the future of computer labs in libraries (my experience is in public libraries). As background, mpow’s computer use statistics were down from last fiscal year, and this year looks to be down again.  At our height we were […]

Librarian Identity (by TTW Contributor Justin Hoenke)

Early in my career, I made the mistake of mentioning in one of my one of my presentations that I was one of those librarians that didn’t read a lot but somehow got into libraries.  Since then, I don’t think I’ve been able to live that down.  To some, I’ve become “ that teen librarian  who doesn’t read” and to some extent I think that’s hurt me.  I was wrong in saying that I don’t read.  In fact, I read quite a bit: I read the most on my phone (news, gaming, music, sports, RSS feeds) I play video games, […]