ANNOUNCE: Who are “the Blog People?” A Survey of Librarians and their Motivations for Blogging

Finally – after months of reading, pondering, creating the actual survey in Zope, passing the Institutional Review Board application process, some anxious e-mails to my advisor Dr. Brian O’Connor at UNT and some wide-eyed and awake nights thinking, here is my preliminary research project survey! Please, if you are an MLS, in library school, or working at a library and blogging, take the survey!

I know there have been other surveys and investigations of the Biblioblogosphere but please consider contributing to this one as well. It will lay the foundation for my further research — and — gasp! — dissertation!

I’ll have the survey up for two weeks. Thanks!

Hello LIS Bloggers! Please contribute to this survey!

The purpose of this research study is to help better understand the motivations of librarians who write independent Weblogs about libraries, technology or their experiences in libraries. It seeks to identify who, exactly, are the “blog people” of librarianship. There will be some questions about frequency of posts as well as questions about tools for information gathering and collaboration.

You are being asked to complete a survey that will take about 30 minutes. Completion of the survey involves no foreseeable risks. Participation is voluntary and you may stop at any time. You give consent by completing the survey. No individual responses will be reported. Data will be aggregated, or automatically combined by computer.

If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact:
Michael Stephens
University of North Texas, School of Library and Information Science
Faculty advisor, Brian O’Connor

If you are a librarian or library worker who writes a Weblog about libraries or any topics related to libraries, please contribute your answers!

Thank you!



Thanks to the folks at UNT SLIS and IMLS!