Contributors Michael Stephens

3983 posts

Greg Schwartz on Library Blogs

Much discussion today at SJCPL about blogs… I took a look back at this: because Greg had such cool things to say in his talk.. If you haven’t read this one in awhile — or you never have — take a look! (And it’s at WebJunction!)

Twelve Things I Learned at Internet Librarian 2004

Wrapping up today with IL2004… for your consideration: As evidenced by the great group of people in our Make Learning Stick: Creating 5-Star, User-Centered Training & Instruction workshop, library folk are embracing their new roles as trainers and teachers.They had great questions and all participated. Scott Brandt gets this stuff and can explain it well. Instructional design for librarians is HOT right now. Are you developing classes? Are you teaching colleagues? You soon could be! Internet Librarians are poised to “own the future,” according to keynoter Lee Rainie of Pew Internet fame. My favorite part of his stuff is the […]

New Job..New Duties…

I have not written about this yet because I’ve been so busy with school and the two Internet Librarian conferences but I wanted to post a quick note here. You may have noticed the banner on the lefty hand side now lists my new title — Special projects Librarian. This came about because while head of Networked Resources Development and Training, I started school and went part time. Then I lost two memebrs of my team to advanced aopportunities at other places! (Way to go Dale and Bob!) It did not sit well with me to be a PT manager […]

Internet Savvy Patrons and Info/Tech Literacy

I did my first session of the day and WOOOHOO was it fun! What a great group of folks present and a I got top share the satge with a school librarian named Jamie Wilson. It was his first conference presentation ever! He did GREAT! I got to talk about how information literacy as a goal in libraries csn be achieved through staff training, the Web site, public classes and more. My PPT for the talk is here!