I posted the Stonehenge pics this weekend and I got a note from Rob Coers, an Internet trainer I’ve e-mailed with in the past besed in the Netherlands. He had just checked his RSS aggregator and saw my posts and realized I was in England for the conference and he was coming too! Rob e-mailed me and said he’d look for me at the conference. We met and got to spend some time talking about training public librarians. He worked in a public library and then went out on his own to do training for librarians. How cool! We went […]
Contributors Michael Stephens
What a great way to end the first day of Internet Librarian International: a conference wide reception in the hotel’s conservatory. I got to chat with folks from my workshop, conference goers from Lebanon, Japan, The Netherlands, the UK, etc.
I taught the half day workshop that Scott Brandt and I developed on Sunday morning for a small but most cool group of folks from Finland, South Africa, Japan and Greece! We focused on 5 steps to make sure technology training works. The best part was the interaction with the group — from questions to “this is how I do it” tales from particpants.
We arrived at 11am Thursday morning after a most pleasnat trip over the Atlantic… why? because we upgraded to Business Class and could actually stretch out! Nice! Friday was spent touring the Salisbury plain and Stonhenge…which was one of the places on my list of notable sites to see in my lifetime! Now it’s Saturday night– today we visited the British Museum. I just saw some cool InfoToday folks in the lobby so things are about to start. I’m at Starbucks, connected to T-Mobile for a bit… Here’s the Stonehenge Gallery!
I depart late Wednesday night for London and the 2004 Internet Librarian International conference. Steve is going with me and we are staying 3 extra days to take in more of the sites. Adam, Steve and I were there in 2002 and I’m so excited to get back! Watch the blog for reports from the conference! MS, Trafalgar Square, December 2002
Thanks WebJunction and Bertha Gutsche http://webjunction.org/do/DisplayContent?id=7598 here’s the Ten Things… post mentioned…. PS: I noticed too that this little piece was no way all inclusive… Take a look at my links for more library techblogs! Jenny for sure! And my buddy Aaron!
I have a literature review due October 17. I leave for England on the 6th and return on the 16th… so the next four days are devoted to writing 16-20 pages on virtual communities from the articles you see above. It is incredibly interesting and feels like some of the most challenging writing I have ever done!
Read this excellent article…and look deep within yourself and your library’s culture… http://liscareer.com/cunningham_eiq.htm This isn’t really a tech article but many of the points could be applied to how your library handles technology — or doesn’t handle it! Excerpt: These are some great questions to ask in an interview: Describe the morale in the library.? How does the staff socialize together? What are some of the frustrations of the professional and paraprofessional staff? ????? How is information communicated in the library? How are executive decisions made and communicated? How do departments communicate in the library?? Are there mechanisms set up […]
Via eContent: http://www.econtentmag.com/Articles/ArticleReader.aspx?ArticleID=7131 AvantGo has released the results of its 2004 Mobile Lifestyle survey. The September survey of 3,260 AvantGo users, conducted entirely via PDAs and smartphones, was a self-administered survey completed over a two-week period and delivered on mobile devices via the free AvantGo service. Respondents were self-selecting. AvantGo, is a service of iAnywhere, which is a subsidiary of Sybase, Inc. The results revealed that 85% of Pocket PC owners and 82% of Palm owners plan to stick with the same operating system with their next purchase. According to the AvantGo survey, the “top 12″ features of an all-in-one […]