Jeff up in TC reports that not only is wifi doing well at TADL, but “tomorrow’s reference staff meeting, my co-worker and i are doing a 15 minute intro on, rss+aggregation, cool librarians that blog, and wikis. crazy sampler of “let us know if you’d like us to do sessions on any of this stuff…” AND they will be using wifi to do it!!! (yet another chance to educate!) EVERY public library staff should be so lucky! Attention Tech trainers: have you taught all of your librarians about blogs, RSS and the cool stuff going on with collabortation? If […]
Contributors Michael Stephens
Goodness! What fun and we were working too. I jumped in the Blazer early this am and hightailed it to Western Springs, Il to meet Aaron to work on our blog article and our talk for
Rock On Jeff and all the folks at the Traverse Area District Library. I’ll be up there alot to use your connection!
Dear ALA: The time has come. I’m tired of waiting. I’m tired of complaining to the dear PLA employee on the trolley on I-Drive in Orlando. (while sweating profusely from the heat) This was my tipping point: My friend CJ over at technobiblio just wrote this in his blog about not finding the PLA Program submission info very easily: “This is a perfect example of why PLA (and all other ALA’s divisions – doesn’t anyone want to be first?) need a blog…” We’re talking communication..spreading the word. Please take a look at how blog software can disseminate information quickly and […]
Ugh… I’m speechless… This summer, I spent a few minuted parked outside of a place in TC that had wifi vbecause I desperately had to check UNT class stuff. I might have been accosted as well if a TC police officer had found me there… And this: What the heck? I hope this makes the big news media… it highlights something we need to think about in this world of access and laptops everywhere… Via
On the plane yesterday, I caught a little snippet of video about businesses — hotels, I assume — that offer technology amenities. I had never heard this term before and I like it. What are your favorite Technology Amenities in your hotel room? Free WiFi A million cable/satellite channels (VH1 please) Weather band on the radio Ethernet if wifi is unavailable! an electronic safe to hold my laptop and ipod In Libraries? FREE WIFI for all devices Ethernet Ports Digital development workstations (CDR, DVD-R, video, etc) Weather and News on Monitors in the AV area Unwired librarians! A well-trained savvy […]
Read this now: This too: Great posts and I agree wholeheartedly!!!
Photo by Mike Pullin
Hello from Texas!! We are back! The cohort lost a member and gained a member over the summer. A picture will follow as soon as I can get one. This weekend is devoted to a class called “Seminar in Communication and Use of Information” taught by Dr. Linda Schamber. It is incredibly interesting, will be challenging but will give us a big push toward the final outcome of this process. More in a bit…
I love stuff like this! My cyber-friend, Orkut Buddy and librarian Pal Jeff up in TC shared this with me… Take a look. Ponder starting your own “if everyone in town read the same book” thing!