Contributors Michael Stephens

3983 posts

Front Line Baby!

(That’s a line from an obscure Fleetwood Mac song from 1987) Are you a blogger working in a library? Do write about the comings and goings of library users? Do you blog your interactions with other staff? If so, please take a minute or two and answer some questions for Aaron and I. We’ll thank you for it! Click Here!

South Bend Tribune covers Local WiFi

On Saturday, we had a FRONT PAGE article on WiFi! Link good for only seven days or by paying! Offering ‘Wi-Fi’ Wireless Internet can be accessed for free at local libraries and businesses By MARGARET FOSMOE Tribune Staff Writer ON SCREEN: Stephen Taig, of Elkhart, works on his laptop computer last week at Panera Bread in Mishawaka. The restaurant offers free high-speed wireless Internet access to customers and loans out wireless cards. SOUTH BEND — Free high-speed wireless Internet access is spreading among area public libraries and businesses. Known as Wi-Fi — short for Wireless Fidelity — it provides computer […]

Technology Training Tribunal

Join 4 Technology Trainers at Internet Librarian 2004 — Sunday November 15th after the preconferences. We’ll be hosting a Community of Interest networking session… if you train in a library setting and want to chat and ask questions or give answers — we’ll see you there. Scheduled to lead the discussion/be on hand to chat: Robert Lewandowski – St. Joseph County Public Library Technology Trainer Michael Porter – LibraryMan Blog Aaron Schmidt – walkingpaper & Thomas Ford Memorial Library Michael Stephens – TTW Blog, SJCPL & member of the UNT IMLS PhD program

SJCPL Offers WiFi at all locations

I am proud to say that during my leave, the good IT folks at my library finished making the whole library system wifi compatible! Read about it here: This morning, I’m IMing with SJCPL staffer Sean who said this week on his floor — the magazine/fiction area –he saw a Powerbook user, a windows PC person doing homework AND a Palm user checking movie descriptions to find soimething in our AV department. Welcome one and all to the Wireless World!