Thanks Vernon Area Public Library, originally uploaded by mstephens7. Friday I spent the morning presenting “The Hyperlinked Community Library” to the staff of the Vernon Area Public Library District. I had no idea they were the ones who had partnered with a local high school to create these ultra cool “Save Illinois Libraries” shirts. I had a picture of the shirt in my slides – and at break, Library Director Cindy Fuerst presented with my very own! Thanks to all the staff who participated. I had a great day! The slides are here: (Slideshare – how about a 200MB […]
Benjamin Wheal writes: To celebrate the demise of the video collection and the now unchallenged reign of the DVD, staff felt that the remaining videos must go out with a bang. One weekend staff came in on their own time to film the final stand of the video in a giant domino train throughout the library space as a fitting homage to their service. May the videos now rest in peace. Long live the VHS! The video was filmed earlier this year in Tea Tree Gully, South Australia, and in the Library here we’re all very proud of our effort […]
Three weeks have passed since the Portland Public Library reopened after a lengthy renovation (which I wrote about here). The addition of a teen area is a completely new idea for the community of Portland, Maine. At first, teens didn’t really understand that this was THEIR space. However, over the last week or so they’ve started to trickle in and discover the space. So what are they doing? They’re connecting with their friends on Facebook in our computer lab. They’re relaxing and tweeting on their IPads in our teen lounge. They’re using their netbooks anywhere they can find a spot. And don’t […]
I have a new post up at ALA Techsource – an interview with the National Library of Australia’s Paul Hagon: Paul discusses his take on making library collections available in some very unique ways: It’s been less than 2 years since the iPhone (via the appstore) became a viable interface. We now have the iPad. Internet enabled TV’s are just starting to appear. We are interacting with these using gestures rather than through a textual interface. Imagine if your TV had gesture recognition & you interacted with it by waving your arms about, smiling for yes and frowning for […]
Yesterday I gave two talks at the 2010 Reaching Forward conference, a meeting for staff from all sorts of Illinois libraries. Here are the slides: Reaching Forward 2010: Technology Planning View more presentations from Michael Stephens. Reaching Forward 2010: Hyperlinked Services for Young People View more presentations from Michael Stephens. Thanks to everyone who attended!
Frameworks, originally uploaded by cambodia4kidsorg. Brilliant!
i control what I share, originally uploaded by cogdogblog.
Library Trading Card #1: Keith, originally uploaded by scampion. Steve Campion writes: ROCK ON! This is the first in what I expect to be a series of library staff trading cards. I hope to post more trading cards gradually over the next many months, each spotlighting a different person on our staff in some unique way. For this one, I want to thank Keith for his enthusiastic willingness to participate. This set grew out of two different photo project ideas I’ve had in mind for the library’s StaffWeb and my Flickr page for a long time. And the idea of […]
Let me say this: change is extremely difficult. It’s also not a quick fix, but a process that may go on for many years. Change also has many hills and valleys and sometimes you can’t see the destination. In the end, however, change is totally worth all the ups and downs that come with it. Over the past few months, I’ve experienced a lot of change in my career as a librarian. I started off the year as the Teen Librarian at the Cape May County Library in Southern, NJ. In February, I accepted a position as the new Teen […]
Glimpses of the future of libraries in Finland: My colleague Aaron Schmidt reports from his time spent in helsinki working with the Gates Foundation at the 2010 Global Libraries Peer Learning Meeting. Take a look at this: “The libraries I saw have overcome their addiction to circulating content. Now they’re all about doing, making, publishing, working, and experiences revolving around content. People are still getting print books and CDs for the library, sure, but other stuff seems more important. Here’s a little report…” Later: “It is impossible for library patrons and staff to sit on opposite side of a […]