Rita Londo, originally uploaded by Lester Public Library. Rita Londo – Video/Oral History available at the Lester Public Library, Two Rivers, Wisconsin
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Via the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette… Gov. Tom Corbett’s no-new-tax pledge means he has to figure a way to slash billions of dollars across the board from Pennsylvania’s budget, and it’s unlikely libraries will emerge unscathed. Into this breach steps janet jai of Highland Park. (She had her name legally changed to lower-case letters a long time ago, but that’s another story.) Ms. jai (pronounced like the letter J), 65, has rushed out 500 copies of a self-published, 165-page paperback book, “Saving Our Public Libraries: Why We Should. How We Can.” We met Monday to discuss her fundraising suggestions. I had coffee […]
Via Gordon’s Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Blog comes this interview with Dr. Troy Swanson: http://ictcenter.blogspot.com/2011/02/community-college-blogging-podcast.html I’ve know Troy for sometime and was very pleased to watch his research unfold. Here are some details from the post: On Thursday I had the pleasure of talking with Dr Troy Swanson, an Associate Professor / Teaching and Learning Librarian at Moraine Valley Community College in Palos Hills, IL. In December Troy completed his PhD in Community College Leadership at Old Dominion University. His dissertation is titled The Administration of Community College Blogs: Considering Control and Adaptability in Loosely Coupled Systems. In the podcast, Troy […]
What do you make of this “glass-centric” vision of the future? This video also offers some thought provoking images and ideas for a vision of 21st Century information behavior.
Viewdle – Photo and Video Face Tagging from Viewdle on Vimeo.
Libraries continue to evolve. As the world has changed with emerging mechanisms for global communication and collaboration, so have some innovative, cutting edge libraries. My model for the Hyperlinked Library is born out of the ongoing evolution of libraries and library services. Weinberger’s (1999) chapter “The Hyperlinked Organization” in The Cluetrain Manifesto was a foundational resource for defining this model as are the writings of Michael Buckland, Seth Godin, and others. I’ve been writing and presenting about it for a few years – expanding and augmenting as new ideas and new technologies take libraries in new directions. In Serials […]
http://www.personalizemedia.com/garys-social-media-count/ Via Cheri Gogo, who was in LIS768 last semester. What do these numbers mean for libraries?
Don’t miss: http://www.swissarmylibrarian.net/2011/02/08/scanning-library-cards-on-smartphones/ Patrons also use these apps for their library card numbers, and some libraries aren’t sure how to handle the library-card-on-smartphone situation. It hasn’t really come up in my library, but I know our traditional scanners won’t read barcodes off a smartphone screen. So, I thought I’d do some research to find out what it would take to accommodate these patrons. The reason it doesn’t work is because traditional barcode scanners are designed to read laser light reflected off a solid surface. Smartphone screens are emitting light, so an entirely different technology is needed. The scanners that can […]
Roy Tennant has a lovely post up at LJ: http://blog.libraryjournal.com/tennantdigitallibraries/2011/02/18/an-open-letter-to-new-librarians/ Roy offers some advice for success in librarianship, including these that speak to me: Focus your efforts where you can make a difference. Identify some things that you can do that are within your talents, that deeply interest you, and for which you can envision potential success. This may mean starting small and working your way forward incrementally. Big things can be accomplished this way. Savor success. The small ones as well as the big ones. Did you get that report finished? Good on you. Crack open the bubbly. Savor […]