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Posts about blogging

How about those Librarian Bloggers?

I’m submitting the first draft of my research proposal this week… here are the research questions: Research Questions To what extent have library and information science Weblog authors adopted the medium to further their goals and objectives for their writing/information sharing? Why? Sub Questions: To what degree are these blog authors utilizing other social tools to further their endeavors. What have librarian bloggers learned from blogging? What are the benefits of blogging within the LIS community? Has blogging had an effect on librarian bloggers’ jobs? What role does blogging play in their professional life? How has blogging affected your relationships […]

Blogging as Reflective Practice

Via SmartMobs comes a link to a presentation concerning blogging as reflective practice: It certainly is a masterpiece about the meaning of reflection in relation to organizations and how social software could help people cope with all the changes. Teemu states that in education, the worst thing we can do is to hang on in best practices. Reflection creates future practices, while best practices are just past practices!! Coping with change is most important in our information organizations. Blogging (or using wikis) might be a useful tool to chronicle that shift. I’m reminded of the voices of the PLCMC Learning […]

All Kinds of Bloggers!

From “Blog Epitaphs? Get Me Rewrite! Rumors of Blogs’ Demise Are Exaggerated, But a Lot Less Obsession Would Be Healthy” by Jason Fry, WSJ: If blogs are hard to pin down, so are bloggers. A common caricature beloved by editorialists is the pajama-clad navel-gazer who deems the minutiae of his or her life worthy of a world-wide audience — and there are such bloggers. (Some of them are quite entertaining, too.) But there are other caricatures: the snarky soapbox blogger trying to parlay attitude into life as an author or talking head (and earn some money via text ads), or […]

Ten Blogging Tips

Ahhh..another numbered list….at Occam’s Razor: From a novice blogger…some fascinating advice: Tips / Insights Summary: Nobody cares about you, they care about what you can do for them Have a personality, reflect your core beliefs, be honest, have fun Blogging is a very serious time commitment Pick a subject matter you are passionate about and that you are good at Respect the intelligence of your audience Blogs need constant promotion, participation and evangelism Being “digg’ed” is great exposure but traffic builds gradually over time, one person at a time Have goals, whatever you want them to be Be nice, […]

Ground Rules for Teachers Who Blog

Via David Warlick: Here’s the advice for independent teacher bloggers: DEALING WITH INDEPENDENTLY BLOGGING TEACHERS Urge teachers to blog and provide staff development. Produce a document that describes the legal implications of blogging and suggests proper and responsible practices. Deliver the message: “Don’t be stupid.” The proactive take is nice. Urge your teachers to blog but educate them about best practices, etc. Same can be said for a library’s independent blogging librarians.

On a year of Blogging…

A shout out to Jennifer Graham and her blog “jennimi” on her one year anniversary of blogging. It’s been an interesting endeavor. Sometimes it sucks me in and I have to leave for awhile to get things done. Sometimes I absolutely love it. But always I am cognizant of the fact that I am, in my tiny tiny lower case j way, participating in the web’s creation, not just observing or reacting to it. I also have begun to see how this process allows librarians to reach out to more people with our knowledge, curiosity, problem solving urges, welcoming […]