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Posts about blogging

Anne Clyde 1946-2005 From the TTW Comments: There is a tribute posted on School Libraries Online to Anne Clyde. Near the top, one can see a link entitled “Vale Dr. L. Anne Clyde”. This is a compilation of messages and photos from around the world. Messages are still being added daily. Anne’s funeral service was held today in Reykjavik, Iceland with over 200 people attending. – Peter Genco Thank you Peter.

A Hoosier Librarian in France One of our SJCPL Librarians is touring Europe! To share her travels with her staff at the branch she manages, she started a blog! I asked if I could link to it here as well because it illustrates some wonderful points: This is a great way to share experiences with the folks back home. I’d like to see this blog on our staff intranet. Now we’re talking about creating buy in and buzz for blogging – wowza! It also illustrates conversation and community building for the staff of her branch. Look: What a send off! Finally, it’s an […]

TTW and ALA TechSource Blog

I am pleased to point you all to the ALA TechSource Blog, a new venture from ALA TechSource Publishing, where I will be a contributor. I’m blown away by the folks writing for this blog and honored to be writing with them: Jenny Levine Tom Peters Karen Schneider I hope you’ll give it a look and grab the feed. No worries though: TTW is not going away. I’ll be blogging here as well. As this all plays out and we get the flow of a collaborative blogging environment, I’ll point to the ALA Blog or link from there back here. […]

Blogging Katrina

We have a slew of bloggers here at SJCPL that write for the Lifeline, but my colleague Joe Sipocz continually rocks my world with posts like this: It’s timely, interesting and relates back to the collection.

Harris County PL Blog Entries for Hurricane Information

Via Luke: Our sympathy goes out to those affected by the disaster. Evacuees can obtain a Harris County Public Library Visitor Card. This card is free and provides access to all library materials and computers. To get a visitor card, you will need to fill out a library card application and provide your regular mailing address or the local address at which you are staying. All branches have free storytimes for children and many branches have programming for teens and adults. Please join us. Nice set of blog entries for the folks that are relocating to the Houston area. […]

TTW on BlogDay 2005 (5 Blogs of the Biblioblogosphere You Should Be Reading) BlogDay is August 31: BlogDay is about meeting new bloggers from other areas of interest around the world, as well as introducing your readers to new bloggers. Conceived by Nir Ofir as a way of celebrating our unique gathering of souls here in the blogosphere, BlogDay will take place on August 31 because the date “3108” looks more like the word “blog” than any other…” The directions go on to state I should choose 5 newer blogs I like and post about them. I’ve chosen some relatively newer blogs that always seem to inspire me. Here goes: Blog […]