Categories Library Jobs & Careers

285 posts

Articles related to library jobs and careers, including advice on how to advance a library career, thoughts on how LIS jobs are changing, job descriptions, etc.

TTW Mailbox: On the Gadget Garage

Tamara writes, referencing a slide in our Technology Training PPT from ILI2006: Can you explain the concept of a “Gadget Garage”? I’m not sure what that is! On a tour of Princeton Public Library when our Roadshow was on the East Coast this summer, Janie Hermann showed us a cabinet in their technology training room filled with gadgets and devices. “This is the gadget garage,” she said. I saw an ipod, digital camera, video camera, etc. In training sessions for staff and public, the training librarians would pull out the gadgets and let people play and experiment. This is a […]

So what do I do with that MLS?

Yesterday, the folks in my UNT Cohort had a little email discussion. Someone was wondering why they should attend library school and had asked one of the cohort for insight. Links and articles were exchanged in that cool librarian way. It really ties in well with a discussion we had last night in my LIS701 class about job description and pay. Here are some pointers from that exchange: LJ Salary Survey: Information on where recent University of Michigan School of Information students found jobs upon graduation: “What Can I Do with an MSI?” at Texas Library Association […]

Web 2.0 / Library 2.0 Developer: Another 2.0 Job (in Germany!)

Via Hans Roes, who I met in Holland at Ticer: Web 2.0 / Library 2.0 Developer Information Resource Center The Information Resource Center (IRC) at International University Bremen (IUB) invites applications for a full-time position for a Web 2.0 / Library 2.0 Developer International University Bremen (IUB) is a private, independent university offering degrees in engineering, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences at bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels. Founded in 1999, the university now has over 1000 students from over 80 different countries. Core values of the university are excellence, internationality, transdisciplinarity, interactivity and independence. The mission of the […]

Ten Things I Know About Libraries in 2006 (A Response to “Libraries are Obsolete”)

Are Libraries limited, obsolete? I don’t think so… Into my email box, from Nathan Rinne, Media Cataloging Technician at the Educational Service Center in Maple Grove, MN, comes a link to an opinion piece in the Lawrence, Kansas paper: I’ll quote a bit of it here, as author Mark Hirschey urges readers not to want a new downtown library because everything is online and young people aren’t using libraries. He offers three points: 1. Libraries are inefficient. Like me, kids seek fast, convenient access to up-to-date information. That’s available on the Internet. In this new information age, libraries are […]

Bruce Flanders, Director of Lawrence PL Responds

From comments left on my Ten Things I Know About Libraries in 2006 (A Response to “Libraries are Obsolete”) post: I am commenting in my role as Lawrence Public Library Director. The Lawrence Public Library is stagnant? The management and librarians don’t care? On the contrary, the Lawrence Public Library Board of Trustees, administrative team and staff are passionate about continually improving library service, and we have made huge strides in the past decade. We have set record levels for the circulation of library materials and user visits during the past eight years. This year, we will hit one million […]

John Berry on Michael Gorman in LJ

Via Jenny: John Berry, in an editorial at LJ, ponders Michael Gorman’s legacy as president of ALA: A traditionalist with whom I frequently agree, and just as frequently don’t, Gorman alienated the newest constituency in our professional ranks early on. He attacked the young and not-so-young library bloggers in these very pages (“Revenge of the Blog People,” BackTalk, LJ 2/15/05, p. 44). That, coupled with Gorman’s view that a more traditional approach to library education ought to balance the field’s obsessions with new information technology, turned off a huge number of the young technolibrarians so prominent in librarianship now. The […]

Steal this Idea: Quicker Than A Ray of Light Staff Day Video For your viewing enjoyment, in light of the recent Warner Brothers/You Tube alliance, is “Ray of Light” from SJCPL Staff Day 2003. It’s taken three years, but now I feel much more comfortable posting this and I did get permission from SJCPL administration. This video was borne out of a time that we wanted to show the staff how important every single person is to the mission of the library. Ity’s not books, or snazzy technology, or a beautiful building, folks, it’s people that make the library go round in my book. Steal this idea or any part of […]

Ticer Faculty 2006

Groep0002 Originally uploaded by Ticer Tilburg. Group photo taken of the lecturers at the “Digital Libraries à la Carte” course, held at Tilburg University, the Netherlands, from 21-25 August 2006. Top row, from left to right: Bjørn Olstad, Michael Fraser, Teun Nijssen, Peter van de Graaf, Carl Grant, Jon Kirriemuir, Catherine Candee. Second row: Paul Miller. Bottom row, from left to right: Sue Roberts, Philip Payne, Jenny Levine, Micahel Stephens, Michael Breaks, Ian Dolphin

Library Conflict Management

Great post at “What I Learned Today” about a recent SirsiDynix Webinar on Library Conflict Management. How many of us have these folks working closeby? Stopped Learning You all know where I stand on this one – never stop learning!! This is the kind of person who exempts themselves from classes and has no new goals. The cure? Update their job description to include required education and make them accountable for their actions. Loss of Respect This person has developed a “benign contempt” for the people they work with, they no longer respect their colleagues or supervisors. They will make […]

Reinvention: David Lee King Style!

WooooHoooo! David reports: I have accepted a new job! Starting in October, I will be the Digital Branch & Services Manager (read the job ad, if you’re interested) at the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library. I’ll be in charge of all things digital – including the website (and building a new, extremely cool library 2.0 site – stay tuned on that one) and the IT department. What did I like about this job? Listen to this: ” … lead a lighly skilled cross-disciplined staff in using new technologies to translate traditional library services into a digital, Library 2.0 […]