Categories Emerging Technology

353 posts

Posts about recently introduced technology and the future of technology

3 Classes I Wish I Could Teach At My Library (But Can?t):

Aaron’s | Jessamyn |Rose Read Classes I Wish I Could Teach At My Library (But Can?t): Music for the Masses: This workshop will teach partipants how to mount their entire music collections for sharing on the Peer to Peer networks. Best practices, innovative tips and legal advice if you’re busted round out a dynamic two hours in the library training room. Requirements: 1 Terrabyte firewire Hard Drive and a $200 legal retainer fee. Camcorder Cinema 101: Join us for a field trip to a showing of Return of the Sith! We’ll provide a sheet of handy tips on making the […]

Pondering the ROI

Aaron and I presented a workshop Tuesday devoted to implementing a plan for new technologies in libraries. We discussed planning, seeing the big picture, various nuances of some hot tech and the ROI on technologies in libraries. Be aware: not only do you have to buy the tech and implment, you have to staff, create policy, promte and train to get it going!

Staff Oriented Toolbar – Good Stuff!

Grace commented about her library’s Toolbar: Hi! Thanks for posting about us. To answer your questions – right now we’ve got a press release out to the Houston Chronicle and I’m developing a bookmark for the branches. I’ve thought about doing a poster, but we’ll see. Having it on the website alone seems to be doing pretty well – we had 478 downloads in February. We haven’t done any training for the staff or public. Ironically, the staff computers don’t yet have a toolbar. Rather than pushing the toolbar designed for the public to the staff computers, we’re in the […]

PL Toolbar

Via LISNews: Get a load of that! Talk about PRESENCE! Well done Harris County Public Library. If we are selling our message of provideing access and materials, what better way than actually putting that “message” into someone’s browser. The public library needs to be in people’s minds — not just as an afterthought when other resources fail. I’d be interested in what prmotional activities the library is doing as well as what training staff and the public received!

iPod as Listening Station

From a reader Down Under: Hi Michael, Yesterday I was thinking about using iPods in our public library, and some web and blog searching today uncovered your comments at your blog. I said almost exactly the same thing to a colleague yesterday – iPods are the coolest device around at the moment (in terms of public perception), so how cool would it be for the library to be seen using them? Anyway, my idea was this: The library buys an iPod mini – or several The library purchases music online and uploads to iPod. New music (top 10 etc) can […]

Libraries Doing Cool Things with iPods:

I’ve been thinking a lot about what libraries might do with iPods and I’ve actually written about it here before. I’m glad to see Pew report on MP3 at that Karen pointed to. I’ve lamented that some of the big names in recorded e-content don’t recognize the iPod as well. But finally come two synchronous “iPods in Libraries” happenings. First, from Jeff Steely at Baylor comes this short article about what the library there is doing with iPods, emailed a few days ago: Audio Reserves To Go Program Launched This spring, the Crouch Fine Arts Library and the Electronic […]