8.31.2010 [15], originally uploaded by Cara Jo Miller. Cara Jo Miller writes: QR code on the back of my car that links to a page on my site that tells you the random fact of the day. It also captures all the information about your phone’s screen size, browser type and OS so that I can use it for building better mobile sites.
Categories Emerging Technology
I couldn’t participate in the rescheduled ALA TechSource Webinar but I was able to contribute slides and some text. Tech Trend: Teaching & Learning in Flux View more presentations from Michael Stephens. Organizational Immersive Learning This subcategory addresses the outstanding success of the Learning 2.0 model of staff training: free, open, and inclusive. I was going to highlight my Australian research project sponsored by CAVAL. The foundation for this multi-dimensional study comes from the global replication of the program (1000 institutions and counting) and the words of Stephen Abram: ““I believe that this has been one of the most transformational […]
Here Come the iPads!, originally uploaded by Mary Carmen6676. Mary Carmen Chimato writes: The NCSU Libraries has long been a technology incubator for the university, lending out the latest to make sure that budgets based around Ramen Noodles don’t keep NC State students from having the competitive advantage that comes from access to the latest computing platforms, ebooks, multimedia gear, and the like. Some months back, the Libraries pre-ordered a group of iPads for the tech lending program. They became available to students on April 8, 2010 at 5:30 pm.
Evolution of Readers, originally uploaded by jblyberg.
Don’t miss Jason Griffey’s new Library Technology Report. Covering all types of gadgets and devices, Griffey offers an concise, useful overview of all of the choices. Most importantly, he emphasizes the need to keep up with emerging tech and understand how it might fit into the information ecology of our users. From the closing chapter: Gadgets give you the opportunity to show off new and exciting technologies to those who may never own one for themselves, in much the same way that libraries have found that providing computers and Internet access was an important function of the late twentieth-century library. […]
Greetings from the iPad WordPress app! I’ve been experimenting as much as possible this week.
Check-ins, badges, and becoming mayor have nothing to do with libraries and everything to do with the geolocation game foursquare…. well it did until some of the librarians here at Darien began hijacking our own venue (Darien Library). We began checking in every time we came into work, closely monitoring who among us was crowned Mayor of Darien Library. Possibly making snide comments to our new ruler – of course in good fun. Then it dawned on us: Why are we checking in all the time when we could offer up this service to our users? We began looking a […]
Thomas and I have worked together at Internet Librarian International 2008 and back in the day doing a podcast or two about Library 2.0. He’s one of the good thinkers in LIS who I wish I had more of a chance to sit with and talk. Glad to see his take on the iPad this morning. http://lib1point5.wordpress.com/2010/02/01/ipad-and-libraries-some-thoughts/ For libraries the iPad will have little immediate impact. What it probably will do, if it is a hit in the marketplace, is that it will fuel reader demand for e-books. I predict that it will be a slow development, but maybe too […]
I think a lot of us monitored the chatter or tuned into a faltering U-Stream yesterday to hear Apple’s announcement of the iPad. ( I think I was a bit more fond of iSlate or just “Slate” myself) But now the fact-finding, opinion sharing and general “what will it mean for consumers?” begins – as will all of the “what will it mean for libraries” conjecture. Phil Bradley, across the pond, weighed in this morning: http://philbradley.typepad.com/phil_bradleys_weblog/2010/01/first-thoughts-on-the-ipad.html I’m really keen on the idea of using it as an e-Book reader. It’s the first item that I’ve looked at which actually makes […]
Oh my, originally uploaded by mstephens7. I’m at EDUCAUSE Learning Initiatives. Great sessions about technology in teaching today!