Dr. Troy Swanson has agreed to share with TTW readers a series of four guest posts. I blogged about Troy’s research here: https://tametheweb.com/2011/02/22/interview-with-dr-try-swanson-community-college-blogging-research/ The first post – The Underground Economy of Innovation – will go up today! Troy A. Swanson is Teaching & Learning Librarian at Moraine Valley Community College, where he teaches information literacy and coordinates the library’s online presence. Troy’s research interests include the epistemology of college students, Web site usability, and technology management. Troy’s PhD is in Community College leadership from Old Dominion University where he studied the management of 2.0 technologies. He holds a Master’s Degree in Library […]
Categories News & Life Updates
I’m honored to have a chapter in this new book edited by Diane Zabel. My contribution “Tracking Tech Trends” began as a post here: https://tametheweb.com/2009/01/12/ten-trends-technologies-for-2009/ Download the Table of Contents here: Zabel_ReferenceReborn_TOC
Kyle Jones shares some reflection on his first semester at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Library and Information Studies (LIS) doctoral program: http://thecorkboard.org/a-reflection-on-the-fall-semester/ With good timing, a friend recently contacted me about his own interests in pursuing a PhD in library and information studies. Knowing that I had just wrapped up my first semester and wanting to hear specific parts of my reflections, he sent me a few questions to answer. Happily, he allowed me to turn these questions in to a reflective post for all to read. What has taken you by surprise? I was very much used […]
I am very happy to announce I’m writing for LJ again! I thoroughly enjoyed writing The Transparent Library with Michael Casey for over two years – hopefully Michael and I can continue writing again soon! Those columns are some of my favorites. Now, I’m happy to be exploring avenues related to educating future librarians. http://bit.ly/coCkbX WELCOME TO “OFFICE HOURS,” a new space in Library Journal where we’ll explore what’s happening in library and information science education. In the coming months we’ll talk about the ongoing discourse about LIS schools; research that informs us, our users, and our facilities; and stories from the trenches on […]
What do you think of that face? Blogging here at TTW has been sporadic due to some very unforseen circumstances. I finally buckled down today to get caught up and start thinking about fall. The big news is that on a trail in northern Michigan Mr. Cooper Dog was running with joyous abandon as Labs do a few weeks ago. He plowed right into my right leg and fractured my tibial plateau! The pain is receding but I’m not walking for a few more weeks as I work on healing. The good news: no surgery and no plaster cast! More in […]
Brian and Michael, originally uploaded by pelicanwind. I was in Texas last Thursday and Friday. One highlight was driving up to Denton to meet up with my PhD advisor, mentor and friend Dr. Brian O’Connor. We had a nice chat about teaching, LIS education and technology while enjoying a stroll around Denton’s courthouse. It was 8 billion degrees though! 🙂
Batch 3, originally uploaded by wertheim. I finished my two year stint as chair of the ALA Web Advisory Committee this week. After our meeting, my last duty was to present a brief report to Council on our activities. I want to publicly thank all the members of WAC and the INCREDIBLE ALA ITTS staff for working with me these past two years. I learned so much about the divisions, ALA protocols and the HUGE amount of work that goes on to give ALA web presence. Thanks all! (Thanks to Dr. Andrew Wertheimer for the spiffy pic too!)
@ALA_TechSource Free access to Michael Stephens’ Web 2.0 & Libraries Jul-Aug 06 http://bit.ly/dyaaPz and Sept-Oct 07 http://bit.ly/cH5DbV Go grab them now! 🙂