I am honored to have a short piece written with Jan Klerk in this new book just released in The Netherlands. I Read Where I Am contains visionary texts about the future of reading and the status of the word. We read anytime and anywhere. We read of screens, we read out on the streets, we read in the office but less and less we read a book at home on the couch. We are, or are becoming, a different type of reader. The question remains which shape will it take and what experience does one want? To answer […]
Categories News & Life Updates
Wow! More about Mr. Schu here. I am very interested to read the 2011 Technology Survey.
Just a few more talks before I have most of the summer off to work on some research projects and prepare for classes at SJSU SLIS: May 2, 2011: Library Unconference Day, Keynote Lightning Talk. May 2-4, 2011: New Jersey Library Association, President’s Program/Keynote & Tech Trends TTW Goes to Canada: May 12, 2011: Keynote, Association des bibliothécaires du Québec Library Association, Montreal, Québec. May 17, 2011: “Heretical Thoughts about LIS Education,” The Future of the Academic Library Symposium, Burlington, Ontario. (Registration is full, waitlisting is possible.) June 9, 2011: Finger Lakes Library System Technology Workshop, Ithaca, New York. June 17, 2011: […]
Be sure to check out From the About page: About LISEvents LISEvents is a community-based site intended to aggregate listings of library-related events of all types, sizes, and locations. The site also helps speakers find gigs and event planners find speakers. The idea for the site has been kicking around in one form or another for quite a few years. Peter Murray did some work on a beta version around 2005. Community-Driven The LISEvents project leverages the entire library community. Anyone can post an event, and we encourage speakers and vendors to sign up for an accounts and build their […] The San José School of Library and Information Science is pleased to welcome Dr. Michael Stephens as a new full-time faculty member. Stephens is a recognized scholar and teacher in the areas of emerging technologies and library services, Learning 2.0 programs, social software, social media, digital library services, virtual communities, user-centered planning for libraries, Internet users’ information needs and behaviors online, and future roles of librarians and libraries. Stephens has been a faculty member with Dominican University’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science since 2005. Prior to joining Dominican, he spent more than 15 years working in public libraries […]
What challenge will you seek out today? How will you continue to learn? Maybe next to my “still learning” plaque, I’ll place a Post-it as another reminder: “Find your next challenge.” Last Thursday I accepted an offer to join the full time faculty at San Jose State University School of Library & Information Science. On Monday, I resigned my appointment at Dominican GSLIS effective in August 2011. This has been an incredible few weeks of pondering, making decisions, and seeking a challenge. Yes, I wrote “Seek a Challenge” for my Office Hours column at LJ about the decision to apply […]
I’m so happy to see John Schumacher named a Library Journal 2011 Mover & Shaker! John was a student in three of my classes. His work – with a strong focus on serving the needs of children – was outstanding in all of them. It’s so good to see him putting his skill set into practice. Congrats Mr. Schu! This makes John Schumacher (aka Mr. Schu) an xtreme librarian: he uses a high level of exertion—along with some gear and stunts—to get kids reading. Examples of his xtreme tactics include visiting Anderson’s Bookshop almost every day, “so that there […]
Just got the proof from our article in NRAL! Very excited about this piece.
47th Library WEEK PROGRAMS FOR YOUTH, EDUCATORS AND INFORMATION PROFESSIONALS Monday, March 28th: Social Media Applications in Education-Embracing the 21st Century Learner Sabanci University Communications Center Tuesday, March 29th: Morning: Social Media Applications in Education-Embracing the 21st Century Learner Istanbul National Education Directorate Afternoon: Social Media Applications in Education-Embracing the 21st Century Learner Istanbul University Faculty of Communications I also have various meals and opportunities to meet and discuss emerging technologies and education with librarians, teachers and students. I am really looking forward to this adventure. If you are attending any of the activities, please say hello!
Navigating the New Normal: Strategies for Success Information Today invites proposals for presentations at Internet Librarian International 2011, to be held at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in London on 27 & 28 October 2011. We are now in a time best characterised as the “New Normal”. The new normal isn’t just about austere budgets or the old chestnut of “doing more with less” – it’s also about new technologies. The new normal is having library patrons, users, customers and clients who know as much or more about technology than we do. It’s about partnerships and transparency, about new ways to […]