Categories Social Media

337 posts

Posts about social media– how to use it, etc.

Libraries Will Survive

From Central Rappahannock Regional Library comes this outstanding example of library video production that contains a serious, heartfelt message about libraries and the dedication of library workers in troubled times. Wired writes: For the record, we love libraries as much as the technological advances which now put libraries in your pocket. They are havens, sanctuaries, community centers and places where helpful people who are almost certainly smarter than you hang out just to help you. : No batteries are required for books need. They don’t need connectivity or special equipment to operate them. Read More It’s incredibly witty, contains […]

Study: Comparing Tools of Social Media

Please consider participating! A study by Javier Velasco-Martin The Study I’m interested in how we are incorporating Social Media into our communication toolset; this research study will compare different computer-based interpersonal communication media. I’m particularly interested in whom we relate with through different tools, what types of information we share on these, and how we feel about different types of information. Your participation involves responding to an online survey. This process should take you about 15 to 20 minutes, and should involve no risk or harm to yourself. With your help, we’ll be extending our knowledge in this field, […]

Video Dominoes

Benjamin Wheal writes: To celebrate the demise of the video collection and the now unchallenged reign of the DVD, staff felt that the remaining videos must go out with a bang. One weekend staff came in on their own time to film the final stand of the video in a giant domino train throughout the library space as a fitting homage to their service. May the videos now rest in peace. Long live the VHS! The video was filmed earlier this year in Tea Tree Gully, South Australia, and in the Library here we’re all very proud of our effort […]

Social Media Best Practices for Libraries: A TTW Guest Post

This post was written by Kasia Grabowska for last semester’s LIS 768: Library 2.0 & Networking Technologies class. Kasia has allowed me to repost it here. After doing brand monitoring research for the past few weeks, looking closely at Skokie Public Library (and not so closely at several other libraries), I decided to put together a list of “do’s and don’ts” for librarians on successfully utilizing social media. This is what I learned from doing brand monitoring and what I personally would recommend to libraries that are getting started with social media. Tip #1: Learn how to monitor your brand Join the RIGHT […]

Using Social Media to Connect with Teens

It’s easy for any library to have a social media presence these days.  Translating that into success with serving a teen population?  Well, that’s another thing… Be Yourself The discussion of personal and professional profiles always comes up.  I didn’t want to have two profiles (done it before, hated it) so I had to make a decision: add teens to my own accounts or hide myself far, far away.  I went with what some may consider to be the unpopular route.  I added them to my own accounts.  I feel like it has made a world of difference. I am […]

foursquare @ Darien Library

Check-ins, badges, and becoming mayor have nothing to do with libraries and everything to do with the geolocation game foursquare…. well it did until some of the librarians here at Darien began hijacking our own venue (Darien Library).  We began checking in every time we came into work, closely monitoring who among us was crowned Mayor of Darien Library.  Possibly making snide comments to our new ruler – of course in good fun. Then it dawned on us: Why are we checking in all the time when we could offer up this service to our users? We began looking a […]