Christine Rooney-Browne, a PhD student based at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland, wrote back in March about her experience at The Mitchell Library in Glasgow “soaking up the atmosphere from the latest Aye Write Book Festival:” I had thought it might be a good idea to tweet about the events I attended but when I tried to access Twitter on The Mitchell Library’s public access computers I was informed that Twitter was considered to be an ‘unacceptable website’. Surely not, I thought, so I tried again, on a different computer. Same message again. Made me wonder about what else would be blocked. Attempted […]
Categories Social Media
Don’t miss Nancy Dowd’s reporting of Guy Kawasaki’s “Using Twitter for Marketing:” 1. Forget the A List 2. Defocus- you never know who will carry the banner for you so be open to every possibility. 3. Get lots of followers. 3. Content 4. Monitor what people are saying about you. 5. Copy what people are doing/best practices
Just some things of note: Library of Congress embraces YouTube, iTunes: “Our broad strategy is to ‘fish where the fish are,’ and to use the sites that give our content added value — in the case of iTunes, ubiquity, portability, etc.,” Raymond said in an e-mail. Pupils to Study Twitter and Blogs: Children to leave primary school familiar with blogging, podcasts, Wikipedia and Twitter as sources of information and forms of communication. They must gain “fluency” in handwriting and keyboard skills, and learn how to use a spellchecker alongside how to spell. When every student has a laptop, why run […]
Flickr Tutorial View more presentations from librarybug. I am also serving as faculty advisor with a student for a practicum experience at Schaumburg Township Disrict Library. Carrie has been working this semester on STDL’s Flickr presence, staffing the Reference Desk and she just taught a class on Flickr for the public. Checkout her blog here: Peter Bromberg wirites: But I also think that librarians, at times, can be too knee-jerk about privacy issues, and I wonder if while looking at one end of the Facebook dustup (big corporation trampling on privacy rights) we might be missing some important lessons on the other end (big corporation letting customers control their own information in exchange for a highly engaging experience. And Facebook DOES give customers a tremendous, leading edge, amount of control. See: “10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know.) We all know that people (myself, and probably you included) will share personal information in […] David Silver writes: this semester, twitter is the main mode of communication used by my students and me. twitter has replaced at least three classroom technologies, and has streamlined our outside-the-classroom conversations and collaborations. twitter has replaced the class listserv. for years, i’ve used a listserv (alternatively called a mailing list or discussion list) to extend our discussions beyond the classroom. these days, when we want to continue conversations, the 12 students in DMP, the 17 students in ESF, and i use twitter. twitter has replaced email announcements. in the past, if something’s come up, or i want to add a reading, or […]
As of December 2008, 11% of online American adults said they used a service like Twitter or another service that allowed them to share updates about themselves or to see the updates of others. Twitter and similar services have been most avidly embraced by young adults. Nearly one in five (19%) online adults ages 18 and 24 have ever used Twitter and its ilk, as have 20% of online adults 25 to 34. Use of these services drops off steadily after age 35 with 10% of 35 to 44 year olds and 5% of 45 to 54 year olds using […]
Don ‘t miss this music video promoting the features & services of the Weigle Information Commons. Well done!
Dear Michael, Leanne Perry and I want to find out how public libraries world wide are really using Flickr and were wondering if you would help up publicise our research so that we have as many public libraries responding as possible. We are very happy to make the results available widely as well. We want to find out how public libraries have planned and evaluated their use of Flickr to help other public libraries who are planning similar action. We are also explore public library expectations and strategic objectives for using Flickr, what the libraries have observed about their presence […]
From Dominican GSLIS student Genevieve Grove: From Tom Peters: From Karen Schneider: And Carolyn Wood: