IMG_0611, originally uploaded by Missouri River Regional Library.
Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0
I do feel welcome, thank you., originally uploaded by [ iblee ]. “SWFLN welcomes our newest staff member, Lee LeBlanc, Continuing Education/Emerging Technologies Coordinator. Lee comes to us from Florida Gulf Coast University, where he was most recently a Senior Library Technical Assistant for the Computing and Public Service Departments. He is currently a graduate student at Florida State University’s College of Information and a frequent guest-blogger for Michael Stephens’ blog, Tame the Web. Welcome, Lee!” Please congratulate Lee. I met him for the first time in April 2007 at SWFLN Technology Day. Since then, he’s contributed some thought-provoking content […]
Comic Catalog, originally uploaded by scampion. Read Steve Campion’s ideas for the “Comic Catalog” here:
True Banner, originally uploaded by Lester Public Library.
Membership data in ALA Connect, originally uploaded by ALA staff. Jenny writes: A momentous day, here at the mothership – that’s iMIS membership data appearing in ALA Connect (Drupal)! I was able to log in using my regular website login, and the system automatically knew which ALA units I’m affiliated with, including events for which I’m registered. Oh happy day! Don’t worry – the interface is far from done and many of these terms will change. 🙂 I am very excited to see ALA Connect coming to fruition!
1990s Tecumseh Branch staff, originally uploaded by acpl. I am really enjoying the photos Allen County Public Library is adding to the library’s Flickrstream: old photos going back through the years! What a nice way to share the history of the library with everyone.
Dominican University, originally uploaded by librarybug. Our campus is beautiful!
I take notes, share those notes, and build a community with my peers – just by using twitter -it’s really quite simple. This is how I feel about Twitter in the classroom. But the 9/18/08 article over at Techdirt, and the comments in particular, paints some different hues (see: “Should you live blog/twitter a class?“). Last weekend I was engulfed in one of three weekend intensive sessions in Michael’s “Library 2.0 & Social Networking Technologies” class. As he went through his well-honed version of “The Hyperlinked Library”, I thought, “man, it would be cool to capture some of this and […]
Cindi Trainor responded to my question in this post with a Google map mash up with this link. Thanks Cindi! A map of libraries who have participated in the Learning 2.0 program created by Helene Blowers at PLCMC. Rob Coers posts an interactive Google mash up of all of the libraries in Holland that he’s helped do a 23 Things program. My question: have I missed the one that highlights how many times the program has been done worldwide?