Preamble: There are already many who support the ideas laid out in this Bill of Rights, but we are actively seeking to grow the roster of those publicly backing the principles and approaches it outlines. That said, this Bill of Rights is not a document “carved in stone” (or written on paper). It is a blog post, and it is intended to spur conversation and debate, which will naturally lead to tweaks of the language. So, let’s get the dialogue going and get as many of the major stakeholders on board as we can! A Bill of Rights for […]
Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0
Claire Obrecht, Education/Collection Development Librarian at the Schaumburg Township District Library writes: Michael: Really enjoyed your latest presentation at STDL – had heard your previous talk there as well. I spoke to you about the experimental station at our Woodfield Post Office. Apparently it is pretty much a big secret – as nothing has yet appeared on the USPS website about it – even though it has been open for about 2 months. Rather strange that they aren’t publicizing it. Here is an article from our local newspaper the Daily Herald. Visit post office of the future in Schaumburg: […]
my Text Message reference flyer Originally uploaded by Joey Digits
I am at the Schaumburg Township District Library Staff Day today for their staff institute. As I walked in, I saw this poster on the staff bulletin board. Wowza! So to Helene: I saw this and once again realized what a HUGE impact you’ve had on learning in libraries in the last 15 months. 🙂 Thank you! Learning 2.0 changed libraries!
Hey Jude writes at Steve Hargadon writes about the new look Ning! – and how current education users can request to have advertising removed. As a member of the FlatClassroom Project, Classroom 2.0, The Global Education Collaborative, Library 2.0, NextGen Teachers, School 2.0, Stop Cyberbullying, Edublogger World, and lots more. I’m not active really, just drop by sometimes – unless the group is project-based such as The Horizon Project and the Flat Classroom Project. I especially like the way we can use Ning! to introduce groups of new teachers to the world of robust social networking – sharing information, […]
At Internet Librarian 2007 Liz Lawley said, “You have to figure out what the problem is first before you come up with a solution.” She was referring to the use of Second Life as a method of social interaction with users; however her statement rings true for the general concept of Library 2.0. Energy focused on implementing new tools and programs is wasted if we don’t know what our users really want. Without knowing that, we create more work for ourselves with hit or miss initiatives. In the past two years much of the discussion of Library 2.0 has been […]
Michael C. Habib writes: MySpace, Facebook, and other Web 2.0 tools led TIME to name you, yes, you, 2006 Person of the Year. With such notoriety, you might want to see what your online identity says about you. What do potential employers and friends find when they google you? When was the last time you googled yourself? What impression do your MySpace profile and YouTube videos leave? Your blog? What do other people say about you? How much control do you have over what is written about you on the web? Read the whole article here:
..about the future of the library Web site: Facebook is the 5th most valuable US Internet company. Use of the library web site by college students has DROPPED over 50% in the last two years. 1% of information seekers start at the library Web site. I think it’s time the Web Redesign Team at Anytown/Anycollege Library that has been meeting these past few months stopped and seriously considered what this means. Shouldn’t part of that time and energy be focused on emerging societal trends? Web trends? User needs? How can we better position the library’s resources online? How can we […] I stumbled upon this page from the American University Library showing their IM reference options, including a MeeboMe widget and a SMS to IM service (I’m sure that I saw it on somebody’s blog, or on some listserv — sorry, I don’t remember where). They have created an SMS to IM service where users can text a message to a particular number and include the word “askaulibrary” in their message. Nifty! Is anyone else doing this? Glad for this link. And isn’t it amazing how IM and SMS Reference keeps popping up, making inroads into our service models? RSS and XML are cooler than you think. RSS is a simple Web 2.0 technology that completely changes our relationship with the web. Instead of having to go to the web, the web comes to you! If you learn nothing else about Web 2.0, learn RSS. It’s a great step toward what’s coming next. If you want to learn the next most important thing, learn XML, god’s gift to the web. XML is a character based data format that allows disparate systems to talk to each other. It is the heart of Web 2.0, which is righteous on so […]