Search Results Justin

103 results

Heading to Tennessee! TTW Congratulates Justin Hoenke on New Position at Chattanooga PL

I have been so impressed with Justin Hoenke’s work over the past few years and his outstanding contributions to Tame the Web. His work has risen above and I am so excited he is making this move! In Justin’s work as Teen Librarian, he has delivered excellent, user-focused service, innovative programming, and opportunities for learning and growth for his constituents. I am sure will thrive at such an innovative library as Chattanooga and the opportunities for innovation and outreach will only grow exponentially!  Justin has been the driving force behind his library directly engaging with the teen community in Portland. […]

Thursday nights can be slow at my library (by TTW contributor Justin Hoenke)

Thursday nights can be slow at my library.  The teens have all gone home for the day, and the only ones that remain are the quiet few who are tearing through their homework or have their eyes focused on their internet browser.  Tonight at my library, the scene was the same but before me was a pretty huge question: My little brother locked me out of my iPod.  He’s five years old and he won’t tell me how to unlock it.  How can I start again?  Do I need to buy a new iPod? The teen was pretty bummed that […]

Excellence in Library Services to Young Adults 2012 (by TTW contributor Justin Hoenke)

I’m very honored to be part of this years President’s Program Planning Task Force for YALSA.  As part of this program, we’re announcing this years Excellence in Library Services to Young Adults program which you can find out about below.  If you’re a teen program who’s doing awesome things, I highly suggest you think about being part of this program.  There’s a lot of great teen programs out there right now being put on by hard working librarians and this is your chance to share them with everyone! From YALSA will select up to twenty-five innovative teen programs from all types of libraries […]

Expanding The Conversation (by TTW contributor Justin Hoenke)

Have you ever found yourself inside the library echo chamber? I think we all have.  You’ve got something great to share or say about libraries and you put it out there…and it’s only talked about by librarians and libraries.  Some great presentations and pieces have been written about the echo chamber (some of my  faves are from Ned Potter, Sally Pewhairangi, and Steven V. Kaszynski).    These have got me thinking…how can we avoid the echo chamber?  My thought is this…expand the conversation and try, try, try your best to include those outside of the library world.  But how can we […]

Librarians Around The City (by TTW contributor Justin Hoenke)

On a recent break from work at my library, I walked down to the local cafe to get my daily summer iced tea and lemonade.  On my walk back to the library, I noticed a couple looking at a large map of Portland, ME.  They looked like they were trying to find something but couldn’t figure out where to go.  I stepped in and said, “Is there something I can help you find?  I live downtown and I’m also a librarian.  It’s part of my job to help people find what they need.” In the end, I helped the couple […]

Librarian Identity (by TTW Contributor Justin Hoenke)

Early in my career, I made the mistake of mentioning in one of my one of my presentations that I was one of those librarians that didn’t read a lot but somehow got into libraries.  Since then, I don’t think I’ve been able to live that down.  To some, I’ve become “ that teen librarian  who doesn’t read” and to some extent I think that’s hurt me.  I was wrong in saying that I don’t read.  In fact, I read quite a bit: I read the most on my phone (news, gaming, music, sports, RSS feeds) I play video games, […]

New Book featuring TTW’s Justin Hoenke

Ned Potter has put together a new book on marketing libraries. TTW’s own Justin Hoenke helped him out on the chapter on marketing to teens using technology in libraries. Super cool! For a list of contributors and more: The Library Marketing Toolkit will be published in July 2012, by Facet Publishing. This website acts as a companion to the book, as well as a stand-alone marketing resource. To quote the blurb, the book is: “A toolkit of ideas to inspire action. As libraries continue to fight for their survival amid growing expectations, competition from online sources and wavering public perceptions, effective […]

German-American Gaming League (by TTW Contributor Justin Hoenke)

I had the honor of helping unveil the German-American Gaming League while I was in Hamburg last month for the Bibliothekartag Library Conference.  If you’re interested in the league, please visit this link for more information (please note: the page is in German, so have Google Translate handy!) What is the German-American gaming league? In the gaming league take people from Germany and the United States in an open competition against each other. Here are several computer games such as Wii bowling and playing Mario Kart. Why did the German-American gaming league? We believe that gaming will have a major impact on […]

Zukunftwerkstatt invites TTW Contributor Justin Hoenke to Bibliothekartag

Great news! In partnership with the Zukunftwerkstatt, TTW Contributor Justin Hoenke will be speaking at the 2012 Bibliothekartag! You can find more information about the conference here: I will be in Hamburg from May 21th to the 25th to attend and present at the conference.  During my time there, I will be presenting on the following topics:  Help unveil the German/American Gaming Library/Museum/Archive League, which was developed in collaboration with Eli Neiburger and Christoph Deeg. Present on the topic of gaming in libraries and share my experiences with implementing video game programs and collections with German librarians. Participate in a workshop for librarians on how […]