Daily Archives: February 11, 2005

2 posts

Will Richardson’s Teacher Blogger Guidelines

Via Weblogg-ed, one of my favorites in Net News Wire… (I can’t stand it…I’m reprinting them all here…) For Teachers (Librarians), blogging at work: “So, here’s a short list. This is open-text, remember, so we can all play along. 1. Decide carefully if you want to create a public space for your ideas with your name on it. Maybe going anonymous would be better. There are a couple of great anonymous teacher blogs out there, Hipteacher among them. 2. When you write, assume it will be read by the very people you may not want to read it. Think about […]

IM Bookmark

Beatrice comments: I’m a brand new librarian in a new job and getting giddy just reading this. I love the idea of the IM bookmark as a promotion. May we “borrow” this idea? My library is currently offering e/m and virtual ref, but virtual ref is sporadically active at best. I’m going to be talking to my colleagues today about trying chat reference (probably using Trillian); on any given day that I walk around the library I see students using databases, the web and one or two IM applications all at once. I’m hoping that we’ll even reach those working […]