Daily Archives: June 6, 2005

2 posts

Reference Desk at Panera

Via Frances, our SJCPL Staff Devlopment Librarian: http://librarymarketing.blogspot.com/2005/06/sandwich-with-side-of-knowledge.html This, my friends, is OUTREACH. This makes the librarian visible..the library visible…and provides a valuable service. I’d ponder this for sure if I was planning outreach services. From http://fulton.blogspot.com/ “On Saturday, June 4, Daveman will be at Panera Bread in Clay on Route 31 from 8:00 – 10:00 AM. Using their wireless network and my tablet PC, I’ll be answering any and all questions faster than you can spell focaccia. I can show you how to find articles from Consumer Reports and hundreds of other magazines for free. Enter the raffle for […]