Daily Archives: June 23, 2005

2 posts

Millennial Librarians Training the Boomer Librarians

Skagirlie ponders: http://www.skagirlie.net/wpblog/index.php?p=205 And I wonder, as she does, if this is a global thing. We had a wave a few years ago of embracing the Web as a one way information tool (for the most part) and now social software, such as blogs, IM, flickr, etc, (as well as Gaming which can really heat things up) has created a whole new divide between the Millennial librarians who ache to implement and use these hot tools and the Boomer Libs who proceed with caution and possibly trepidation. Thoughts?

Reinventing Libraries Session 3

This is a catch up post. On June 8, Sharon and Dan Wiseman and I finished up our three workshop series “Reinventing Libraries” for the Indiana Cooperative Library Service Authority. It was most thought-provoking and engaging! We started with an “around the room” asking folks what they had done since we started in April. Answers included: Loaded IM on all public computers so library patrons can use their screenames One person said “I now get 95% of my news from blogs” One person started a blog We also discussed the unintended consequences of technology, specifically all the planning that went […]