Jenny sent me this link: Good news. Maybe we aren’t so Tech Poor!
Monthly Archives: November 2005
Lots of 2.0s flying around, yes, but here’s one more. Great post by Will Richardson (one of my blogging heroes) at: “…what I think most people don’t get when they pick up these tools is that to use them well they have to want to be learners, not just teachers. This isn’t like a textbook or a worksheet or a (fill in your one-dimensional outdated teaching tool here). This is a conversation, (or at least the potential for one) not a monologue or some contrived negotiation of knowledge that ultimately gets tested against what’s been written in a textbook […]
I love this. If you haven’t made a card yet, please do so and add it to the group.
I am teaching again next semester at Dominican! WooHoo! It will be over three weekends in February, March and April. Here’s the class description: LIS 753 INTERNET FUNDAMENTALS AND DESIGN An introduction to the fundamentals of the Internet, including its origins, evolution, architecture, current issues, and future. Students will gain a basic understanding about Web content languages, Web site management, and design/usability principles. Students will also be introduced to the fundamentals of telecommunications and networking with examples drawn from the Internet. Critical Internet issues such as search engine limitations, security, privacy, copyright, governance, and other related topics will also be […]
Hi, while I’m moving some things around here there may be some changes. If you’re looking for my old home page, it’s here for now.
Greetings! I am off to Texas tomorrow at 6am for a whirlwind stay. I’m presenting in Dr. O’Connor’s SLIS 6000 class tomorrow night and chit chatting with some faculty about my research. I’ll be writing again in a few days! This is huge and should not be ignored. Read Sarah’s excellent overview of South Eastern Louisiana University’s SMS Reference project. Two Ultra-HOT bits of many: He also noted that an ongoing issue is trying to limit your response to 160 characters. You can send the response in multiple messages, but librarians tend to try their hardest to fit it into one. The system auto-abbreviates some words (for-4, too-2). What an excellent point and a big vote for librarians to really “get” the vernacular of chat. We can’t ignore it much longer if we are to be relevant to future […]
“Social Software for the Rest of Us” is at the ALA TechSource Blog
This blows me away. It says what I’ve been trying to articulate here and in talks. We need spaces in our libraries for collaboration and experience with Web 2.0 tools. Thomas Frey offers the same suggestion in his piece on the Future of Libraies, that we all should read over and discuss in our respective staff meetings. Experiment with creative spaces so the future role of the library can define itself. Since the role of the library 20 years from now is still a mystery, we recommend that libraries put together creative spaces so staff members, library users, and […]
” It seems like at a lot of schools, the IT department controls every technology choice. Rather than educating faculty members on how to create wikis and blogs and use other cool technologies in the classroom, they keep faculty on a tight leash.” Meredith Farkas “One key justification for using virtual reference software rather than instant messaging software, shared with me at the state conference last week, is that many city IT departments don’t allow IM software. Which leads me to conclude: 1. Many city IT departments are too godlike, 2. Many libraries are unable to effectively work with IT […]