In this new version of iTunes, the main window displays the Ministore. When I lick on Fleetwood Mac’s “Goodbye Baby” it displays info about the CD the song is on, links to reviews and more offerings from FM and other similar bands that I might like. This feature can easily be disabled but this irked some folks — their listening habits were being sent without their knowledge to Apple to make the correct info display in the Ministore. How many times have you listened to that same sad song, over and over again, in the deep dark, middle of […]
Daily Archives: January 13, 2006
Read this one! It’s wonderful! Now, that gives a better sense of the head start libraries have on the web; we’re already in our double digits. Web’s only just now hitting 2.0, but it has a buzz that’s undeniable, and the key idea is not that Library 2.0 will assimilate all the 1.0 stalwarts, leaving only a smoking bun blowing desolately across a gleaming dystopia of pulsating middleware and pingbacks, but that the next iteration of Libraries will take our formidable history and integrate the techniques and technologies of the Web 2.0 toolset to make something new, yet familiar, […]
I am enjoying the little plugins folks are coding to put the library’s holdings on sites such as Amazon. Who would have thunk it? I sit across from Skagirlie and today she got inspired. Superpatron’s coding for Ann Arbor District Library inspired her and as you can see in the screenshot, there’s a little bit of SJCPL on AMAZON! No matter where you stand in the L2 discussion, it does indeed come down to offering folks what they want, when they want it, and this is an excellent example. From a non-coder, can I just ask the Superpatrons and Skagirlies […]
I’ve spent the last 90 minutes or so exploring iLife ’06 from Apple. It’s new this week and boasts loads of features. iPhoto runs smoother, the apps are even more integrated but the most intriguing pieces are iWeb and the Podcast Studio of Garageband. Here’s a flickr set: I was able to record a podcast in about 25 minutes and mix it down for iWeb to post at my .mac account. You can see the podcast blog and hear the podcast here: There is a learning curve for Garageband but it’s not bad at all once you get […] The Otter Group rolls out a program for integrating social software into learning! We are pleased to announce our new Learning 2.0 Boot Camp. The main focus on the Learning 2.0 Boot Camp will be the development of a plan for a Learning 2.0 project. You will work in a team to define a project idea, develop a plan, and deliver the plan as a podcast and slide set. Projects will likely take existing business processes and services and re-develop them into new models based on Web 2.0 services. Your team might find a way to distribute information more […]
I’m joining some cool folks for a Talking with Talis podcast on the Library 2.0 meme. Read about it and learn how to submit questions here.