Monthly Archives: March 2006

48 posts

Some Web 2.0 Readings/Links via the Social Software Blog points to a nice article in USAToday about flickr at points to this list by category of Web 2.0 sites & services at

Tom Peters on Mash Ups & Conferences

Good reading at ALA Techsource: I think I need to say that THIS is OVERDUE! It may be time for our profession to seriously reconsider the value of the traditional conference, where a conference planning committee asks for conference proposals twelve to eighteen months in advance of the conference. How can library and information conferences—gatherings, happenings, bashes, mashupcamps—better aid and abet quality growth in the library and information science ecosystem? I feel the urge to utter a manifesto coming on: A conference should try to actually foster and facilitate the discipline, movement, or ecosystem it represents. It should be […]

“If I ran a Library” : Don Yarman on Librarian 2.0

Nice post from Don Yarman who works in Ohio: Especially this bit about iTunes: If I ran a library, I would be looking to see what I could do with this. Not just following the Shifted Librarian’s suggestion to buy some iPod shuffles to circulate. How about a public iTunes download station? Let library users set up their ‘pods on the station and download a title or two to their own devices? The library could even rip their own CD’s to the public iTunes station. Look, you know that iPod owners check out the CD’s and rip them to […]

The Meme of 4 Library Blog Style

Wowza! Libby at SJCPL does a nice twist on the Meme of Four and relates it to what the library offers. Check it out and adapt it for your library blog! Let me know if you do! Update: The LiB reports: I did this for our library blog a while back and tagged other library blogs, though to my knowledge none of them picked it up: