Monthly Archives: March 2006

48 posts

CIL Dead Tech: 1.0 vs. 2.0

Aaron just inspired me. All I’m saying is let’s look at our processes, policies, plans and technologies and make sure we are using the best tools for the best user-centered services. I leave for Kentucky at 6am! More from the road, if I can find wireless. Here’s the PDF of my Dead Technology Presentation from Wednesday Night.

Branch Blogs & Teen Blogs!

We had a question at the PLA session: Are there libraries that have blogs for each individual branch. It was a great question and both Jenny and I couldn’t name a specific example. Thanks to Emily Posedel, Web Content Specialist in the Access Services & Training Division of the San Diego County Library, we have one! She writes to TTW: Thanks for all the examples on how we can redefine the function of an RSS feed on a library site. Related to the Q/A: Currently a few of our branches have teen blogs. I have them linked @ Thanks […]

David Warlick on Conference 2.0 There’s loads of great conference posts and round ups from both CIL2006 and PLA2006, which are also the official tags! Take a moment in reading those to swing by Warlick’s piece on “Conference 2.0.” CIL certainly had many of those points covered, as did PLA. But there are some good ones to think about as well. Thought for next time? A podcast booth or quiet area where podcasters could stage a discussion, conference debrief, or just get some recording done.

Librarian: How Do You IM? A TTW Survey

I think IM in my public library is an example of the generation gap between staff members. We do not allow patrons to IM on library computers, and staff are not supposed to IM, either. However, many of the young professionals do have one or more IM programs downloaded onto their computers (inclduing the IT department), and we use IM at work. The staff that uses IM are more likely to want the IM and games ban dropped on public computers and want to start reference IM, a library blog, etc. So I see a direct correlation between librarians/library staff […]

Community Building Through Your Web Site: Library Blogs and RSS Feeds

What fun! We had a great crowd for the session being in the last slot of the conference! Links to our presentation: Our Six Things We Can Do Now: (Via the Librarian in Black) 1. Read weblogs and checkout what other libraries are doing. Keep tabs on new developments. Go to 2. Start your own “What’s New” blog at your library. Update it often and create an environment of dynamic content. Turn comments on. 3. Appoint a “trend reporter” at the library who watches what’s going on and reports back to staff. Form an Emerging Technology Committee. 4. […]

Ten Steps to Staff Buy In

This is a Flickr version of one of my favorite presentations from 2005! How do we insure staff buy in to our technology initiatives? New services? Let’s make sure they do, because buy in is paramount to the success of library technology projects! Originally presented at Internet Librarian, November, 2005.