Monthly Archives: April 2006

67 posts

Welcome to the Library

Via Constance in Kentucky: What a nice bit of text – and check out the poster image! The library staff welcomes you to our library, which is designed to meet your legal information needs through a growing collection of electronic and print resources, value-added services such as research assistance and small-group workshops, and study space for individuals and groups. Even when not physically present in the library, you may take advantage of our website to search our many databases, read library publications, or contact us with a reference question or inter-library loan request. The website has links and information […]

On Barriers in Libraries (An L2 Workshop)

Yesterday, I spent three hours with some cool folks from around the Metropolitan Library System talking about Library 2.0. It was a great group and the session had a “workshop” feel – the perfect way to get ready for similar talks in Minnesota this May. First, I did some background on Web 2.0 and the offspring of the 2.0 meme. This article was a good starting point! Dion Hinchcliffe allowed me to use his cool graphic. Then, I asked Michael Casey and John Blyberg to give me their definitions and I matched those up with my own and those from […]

Welcome Rachel to the Biblioblogosphere!

Rachel Singer Gordon, most cool library author and my writing partner for Computers in Libraries’ “Tech Tips for Every Librarian,” has started a blog! Take a look and add her to your aggregator! I am very happy she is adding her voiuce to the collective voice of the biblioblogosphere! I look forward to her insight and thoughts! She’s definitely a “cool kid” in my book. The Liminal Librarian Rachel writes: I’m mindful of the temptation to start a blog, then all but abandon it for lack of time, energy, or “something to say” — one reason I’ve held off this […]

Library 2.0 Workshop Tomorrow & Radical Trust

I’m putting the finish touches on a Library 2.0 workshop I’ll be presenting tomorrow at Metropolitan Library System. I’m using Darlene’s definition in one section, and she expanded on her thinking about “radical trust” here: We can only build emergent systems if we have radical trust. With an emergent system, we build something without setting in stone what it will be or trying to control all that it will be. We allow and encourage participants to shape and sculpt and be co-creators of the system. We don’t have a million customers/users/patrons … we have a million participants and co-creators. […]

Last Day of Class at Dominican & Student Web Sites

It’s the last day of the last weekend of my Internet Fundamentals section. My students are sharing their Web projects! (Remember their Blogs?) These are fictional or “not official” mini-Web sites for a library or library service. Here are some of the projects: Archives Project: Fox River Grove Library: Information Policy: Resources for Gay Teens: Young Adults: Hayt Elementary Library: Gaming in Libraries: ILL Page for a Library: Library programs Pages: Stone Book Reviews: Andersen library: Planning a Wedding resources at the Library

Upcoming Presentations

Wednesday, April 19, 2006. “Rev Up Your Online Services: Blogs, RSS, Wikis and other Dynamic and Low-cost Technologies” Workshop. Washington State Library Association Annual meeting. Tacoma, Washington. Friday, April 29, 2006. “Technology Planning” and “Wikis and Other Social Tools for Your Library” (with Jenny Levine). Texas Library Association Conference, Houston, Texas. Wednesday, May 10, 2006. SJCPL Staff Day. “Libraries Fit for the Future” with Jenny Levine. The Big Picture: Toward Library 2.0. Training, Technology, & Planning Monday, May 15, SELCO ,Tuesday, May 16, Willmar Public Library, Wednesday, May 17, Detroit Lakes Library, Thursday, May 18, Arrowhead Library System, Friday, May […]