Yearly Archives: 2007

564 posts

Advising Appointment in Second Life

I try my best to be available to my student advisees. I do the office hours thing, share email and phone #s and give them my IM name. Today, however, was different — and could hint at things to come. I met a student in my office in the Cybrary City in Second Life for a few minutes of chat about the course he’s taking with me and about his library job. And it was the student, Kyle Jones, who suggested it. One thing we discussed was what might happen with Second Life and libraries in the future. I was […]

Ranganathan’s Laws Revisted

Last night, I introduced my LIS701 class to Ranganathan’s Laws. Remember this from last semester: Here’s what last night’s group came up with: Group Redux Rewrite the laws? YEP! 1: Materials are for use and not just in library 2: Every user his or her material 3: Materials are for all 4: Save the time of the user 5: The library is an evolving organism (catering to the needs of the community) We had some pretty darn cool discussion about the nature of information, documents and the digital divide.

TTW Mailbox: Mark Larson — Crazy times call for crazy organizations

Hey Michael: I'm Mark Larson, former librarian who jumped ship for online publishing ( and information design. I just finished an old Tom Peters book today, The Tom Peters Seminar: Crazy Times Call for Crazy Organizations. It's over a decade old, but even today the ideas are radical. A number of great lines from the book remind me of the powerful verbs of Library 2.0: listen, re-imagine, change, trust, empower, criticize, grow, stretch, learn… From Peters' book: On culture-The average company, large or small, suffers far more from excess dullness than from excess eccentricity. On executives as change-leaders -Quoting Harry […]

MASH! YAHOO! announces a new social networking site. My questions: how will it tie into Flickr? How will Mash compare to the coolness of Facebook? (looks like they will have a “growing gallery of apps”)

Thanks HSLM Members – MN Library 2.0 Summit

HSLM members at MN Library 2.0 Summit Originally uploaded by Health Science Libraries of Minnesota I had a great day in Roseville, Minnesota leading a discussion about social tools, adopting a 2.0 philosophy and letting go of the culture of perfect. Here are more photos. And here’s the crowd: Thanks everyone — and special thnks to Melissa Rethlefsen who organized the event. She wrote about tagging here.