Yearly Archives: 2007

564 posts

Congrats Amy! An announcement from Connie Paul, Executive Director, Central Jersey Regional Library Cooperative: Amy Kearns, will begin as (CJRLC)Program Coordinator on July 30, 2007! Currently the head of reference for the Paterson PL, Amy is a blogger, a trainer, a techie, and a library enthusiast. She has been very active in the Highlands RLC… She is eager to get to know our members (she knows many of you already), and we are delighted to welcome her. Rock On Amy!

Tame & Ubiquitous (OCLC Blogger’s Salon ALA 2007)

Michael & Brian Originally uploaded by mstephens7 I was glad to meet Brian Mathews at ALA. I am impressed with his work bringing the library to his users at Georgia Tech. We got a chance to email recently — Brian provided some insight into his work for my Library Technology Report. Don’t miss this post: This type of group provides academic librarians with an opportunity to “know thy user” but is also a chance to make a good first impression. I’ve started posting answers or responding directly to individuals on topics such as safety on campus and around Atlanta, […]

Upcoming Presentations

July 18, 2007. The Hyperlinked Library. Missouri Library Network Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri. September 14, 2007. Introduction to Library 2.0 and Best Practices for Social Software in Libraries. Health Sciences Libraries of Minnesota October 5, 2007, Featured Speaker, Nevada Library Association, Carson City, Nevada October 10, 2007. Keynote, Illinois Library Association, Springfield, Illinois October 29-31, 2007, Internet Librarian, Monterey, California. November 2, 2007. Schaumburg Public Library Staff In Service Day, Schaumburg, Illinois. November 10-11, 2007. Hawaii Library Association, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kauai.

Congrats to Jeff Trzeciak University librarian Jeff Trzeciak has been appointed to the EDUCAUSE Advisory Committee on Teaching and Learning (ACTL), which consists of professionals who have extensive experience using innovative technology to create new learning environments. Trzeciak is the only librarian and the only representative from a Canadian institution on the committee. Rock on, Jeff!

Is Blogging dead? Great discussion of blogging and the shift to social networks: In truth, the real opportunities for building authority and buzz through social media have only just begun. You simply have to look and see where things are going instead of where they’ve been. Value will always be key. And I think you’ll find that the migration of pure social chatter off of blogs and onto social networking applications is a good thing for the rest of us who are looking to build businesses powered in whole or in part by blogs. Also: Then suddenly, along comes stuff like […]

How Do I Explain ALA Council “Shushing” to My Students?

Dominican Students & Michael Stephens Originally uploaded by mstephens7 I was honored to have students from Dominican GSLIS attend my talks at conference. I was so glad for them to experience annual — with the crowds of library folk, far flung meeting rooms and a regular orgy of freebies and schwag in the exhibit hall. What troubles me is the reports from the conference concerning Aaron the Librarian’s attempt to speak to Council. He writes: …Councilor-at-Large Heidi Dolamore stood for me (with coaching on parliamentary procedure by Councilor-at-Large Michael Golrick) and asked the moderator to suspend the normal rules of […]