Yearly Archives: 2007

564 posts

Digital Libraries at University of Buffalo

Exciting news in digital libraries! LIS graduate students at the University at Buffalo have rolled out another “real world” project! With Dr. June Abbas as project manager, students from the Spring 2007 Digital Libraries class formed 6 teams to create the Karpeles Digital Manuscript Library. This digital library – researched, designed, and implemented in just one semester – uses Greenstone digital library software to organize and display: “digital images and information on some of the many collections housed within the nine Karpeles Manuscript Library Museums located throughout the United States.” [1] The digital library pulls from the eclectic Disney, Maps, […]

Thanks Rural Libraries 2.0!

Thanks Rural Libraries 2.0! Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Thanks to all the planners and attendees at the Rural Libraries 2.0 conference! We had a wonderful time – both at the conference and paddling in Spider Lake! Download the full presentation here! And – while we were speaking, some folks in the audience built a ning network for the conference:

Information is Not Sacred

Hello. Jeff Nowak here. I am a first-year library school nube who got into this whole library thing because I was a literature freak and a book fiend. I am currently the editor of something called Any Four Words. What amazes me about our Web, Library, or Catchphrase 2.0 era is the game it plays with information. The 19th and 20th century public library phenomenon helped take the book off its pedestal by opening up its shelves to the proles. When large amounts of people really started putting books to use, it suddenly dawned on these people that books were […]

Open post to the unappreciated Library

The Indomitable Michael Stephens is giving me a shot at guest-blogging. I wanted some guidelines from Mike, so I typed this response up to his offer. Michael seems real cool; I wanted to confirm that before I started blogging. Me: “Give me the particulars of what not to say. It’s cool; be frank. Say things like, “Feel free to cover anything as long as you speak ethically, honestly, and true (cite your sources) -above all else relate it to

Turning “No” into “Yes”

By Michael Casey & Michael Stephens Often times, it’s born at the desk. Staff members think of a new idea, and they want to share it with the decision-makers. They put together a presentation or proposal at the suggestion of their immediate supervisor and take it up to administration. But they receive a cold reception. Not only are they told, “No,” but they were “talked to” by the department head: “How could anyone think such an idea would work? Didn’t they realize that their idea had been tried five years earlier?” Other times it’s born at a rousing conference or […]

On Writing the Dissertation (Michael is Unplugging)

Good Morning! I didn’t realize how hard it would be to write this little post. After the successful defense of my proposal, I am taking a few weeks off to focus exclusively on writing the last two chapters of my dissertation. I want to defend it in June before the cutoff date for August graduation. This is a lofty goal — a handful of weeks. My data is collected and ready for ananylysis. The demographics and stats are done. My next step is a content analysis of over 1600 replies to the “Why do you blog?” survey! I need to […]