Some good advice for libraries establishing MySpace profiles: This is GOLD: Real innovation (and real Web 2.0, as I’ve argued elsewhere) is an attitude you take toward the service you provide. If your library has blogs, for example, you should use your blog to make readers aware of new library services and resources. Your blog should not be just a self-promotion machine. Highlight upcoming events, everything from sewing bees, lectures, LEGO Mindstorm events, writers’ workshops, and book clubs. Sites like MySpace allow you to post bulletins to your friends as well as blog. You can use these tools to […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
Darien Tag Originally uploaded by Wandering Eyre. They trust their people. Everyone on their staff who wants to blog, can, in their own voice, and style. When speaking with Louise Berry and Alan Gray at Midwinter, I was impressed with their desire to see their staff succeed, for their voices to be heard, and for their library to be the kind of place that works from the bottom up. This was not mere lip service, which is what I fear is the noise I hear most often. They were striving to, not only create a human face for their […]
jb_1024 Originally uploaded by Dave & Bry. Thanks DaveyP! Follow the links to see a few other librarians made of books!
I finally had some time to read about the candidates and listen to the podcast from Seattle and I’d like to take just a moment to endorse Jim Rettig for president of the American Library Association. A few reasons why: In the Q&A segment of the podcast, biblioblogger Gary McClay asks the presidential candidates “What does Library 2.0 mean to you?” Nancy Davenport answers first and discusses applying Web 2.0 tools to libraries and the association, promoting better communication. Nice answer, but Rettig really grabbed me with his response. Rettig replies (as best I can transcribe): Library 2.0 is […]
Great stuff from Hey Jude: I wonder if such a Knowledge Commons, shaped by Creativity NOT Productivity would need to encompass the following: Reading materials for pleasure and study Information retrieval and critical analysis support Learning activities & Social activities Academic writing guidance Special education learning support for all ranges Information technology support – technical and design support Multimedia design and production facilities ‘Traditional’ bibliographic services 24/7 Learning support
From a few folks, including one of my students in 753 comes this job at DuPage Library System here in Illinois: Web Services Librarian (Full time) Wanted! A digital native to take the Des Plaines Public Library to Web 2.0 and beyond. Do you blog, IM, or wiki? Must be able to envision how these and other emerging technologies can be used to create excellent patron service. This unique position reports to the library director and bridges all departments to make things happen. Therefore, people skills also a must. Required: MLS and three years professional library experience. Salary range: $45,030-60,888 […] He writes: I am leaving Ann Arbor because I have accepted a position at the Darien Public Library in Darien, Connecticut. My official title will be Head of Technology and Digital Initiatives. I have to say that my pulse quickens when I think about what the Darien Library has in store for the future, and to be part of it is a dream come true. I will be working for Alan Gray, who is currently Associate Director. DPL’s director is Louise Berry. I will continue to blog here at I also have no plans to discontinue work on […]
Steve at Teach42 notes another, more sane bill introduced by an Illinois senator: I know Will says that he thinks things may get worse before they get better, but I did notice something while exploring the Illinois General Assembly website that gives me a little bit of hope. Matt Murphy wasn’t the only one to submit an bill to protect children from the internet that day. Senator Dan Kotowski also submitted an act, this one titled the Internet Safety Education Act. Sounds good already doesn’t it? It has the word Internet accompanied by ‘Safety’ and ‘Education’. Now, that doesn’t […] While the Democrat-controlled Illinois General Assembly may not be too receptive to new social networking legislation proposed by freshman Republican Senator Matt Murphy, the bill may be the first in several state attempts to achieve the goals of the federal Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA), which passed the House of Representatives but failed in the Senate. The Social Networking Website Prohibition Act would require public libraries to prohibit access to social networking web sites, including MySpace and many less controversial, on all publicly accessible computers, including those used by adults, and also would prohibit access by students in schools. […]
Top Tech Trends room – left Originally uploaded by etches-johnson. Amanda Etches-Johnson on her Trends: “Blogs make your library human.” “The mindful adoption of social tools: be in our users’ space but be useful. John Blyberg on his Trends: “Lubricate the wheels of communication in your library via these new tools.” “Openness is the new’s an open world…are you unable or unwilling to adapt? Sharing content, thoughts and ideas should be the norm.” “I am heartened by the conversations taking place online about vendors, etc.”