Monthly Archives: May 2009

24 posts

Upcoming Presentations

Tomorrow is graduation and then I am on the road back to Indiana! Ahhhh Summer Break begins! I have just a few things scheduled this summer so I can focus on relaxation and research. The lake and a hammock beckon.  May 6, 2009: Silicon Valley Library System Staff Institutes. May 12 – 13, 2009: Virginia Beach Libraries “Beyond Learning 2.0″ presentations. June 2, 2009:  Keynote, MOBIUS User Conference, Tan-Tar-A Resort, Lake of the Ozarks. July 11, 2009: Creating Zones with Heart, American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois July 12, 2009: LITA President’s Program, American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois Fall 2009: […]

The Cell Phone Police

Don’t miss Dominican GSLIS Alum Leah White’s article in LJ: So what do the survey results tell us? “A good rule of thumb: if you wouldn’t stop a face-to-face conversation between patrons, then you have no justification for stopping a technology-mediated conversation,” observed one library worker. “If you would stop a face-to-face conversation (e.g., in a Quiet Zone), then naturally cell phones would fall under the same policy.” Library users voiced strikingly similar opinions. Users agreed that cell phone conversations should be kept to a minimum and should be conducted respectfully. Most respondents said they understood the need to […]

ALA Connect Update & LIS EDU Community

From the ALA Marginalia Blog, Jenny Levine writes: Just a quick note to say how happy we are about the response to ALA Connect. We’ve received many positive emails, tweets, and more about the site, but even better – folks are checking it out and using it. This can be difficult to see, as many working groups are not posting their content publicly, but we’re only a couple of weeks into this new endeavor, so we expect content in the working groups and communities will continue to grow, especially going into Annual Conference. Here are some early numbers from the site’s first […]