I am thoroughly enjoying this Authors@Google talk by Garr Reynolds author of Presentation Zen. I’d suggest it to any presenter who wants to do better talk, educators and students. Take an hour if you can a give it a watch.
Daily Archives: February 23, 2010
http://www.swissarmylibrarian.net/2010/02/23/redbox-rights-and-wrongs Brian Herzog writes: I had heard of libraries using both Redbox and Netflix, but never really gave it too much though. So I was kind of surprised at my response to my director: Maybe this is just a reaction based on the kind of day this has been, but I have mostly negative feelings about this. Based on https://tametheweb.com/2009/07/01/red-box-rentals-at-princeton-public-library/ is seems any money we get is minimal, and I’m always reluctant to give businesses a green light to target library patrons. If we did put one of these in, I sincerely hope it wouldn’t mean we’d be buying fewer […]
There’s lots of talk about where we are headed these days. What is our future? Will we go the way of the dinosaur and suburban mall? Seth Godin seems to think that we’re doomed while Toby Greenwalt and an army of librarians seem to think otherwise. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that the future of the public library is right in front of us. And boy, does it look wonderful. Teens at the Graphic Novel and Manga Club, Cape May County Library We need to look no further than to the teens that are using […]