I was excited to be a guest host on the Circulating Ideas podcast where I interviewed Lane Wilkinson,Director of Library Instruction at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Listen to our conversation here: Circulating Ideas episode 104: Lane Wilkinson. Lane and I discussed how librarians relate to knowledge in a time of fake news and alternative facts. “How information contributes to knowledge should be of the utmost concern for librarians. After all, librarians have deep-rooted affinities for both information and knowledge-creation…Patrons do not want misinformation or disinformation; they do not want to be deceived” (Lane Wilkinson, “Theories of Knowledge in Library and […]
Monthly Archives: February 2017
I am honored to be a guest on the Circulating Ideas podcast! Steve chats with Dr. Michael Stephens, Assistant Professor in the School of Information at San Jose State University and author of The Heart of Librarianship. He also writes the monthly column “Office Hours” for Library Journal. SHOW NOTES: Tame the Web The Heart of Librarianship The Transparent Library “Talk About Compassion” (Office Hours) “Dream, Explore, Experiment” (Office Hours) “Adopt or Adapt” (Office Hours) “The Hygge State of Mind” (Office Hours) And for all the folks out there who may need something to soothe their soul:
IN an “Office Hours” piece from early 2014 on Reflective Practice, I wrote about the human face of the library. PUTTING A FACE ON THE LIBRARY This reminds me that the library should be human. It means that behind the keyboard, behind the blog, and behind the Facebook page, there’s a person ready to have a conversation: ready to help, ready to listen. I’m always looking for good examples of this. So I was thrilled to see this cool project from the fine librarians at the University of Colorado Boulder. Shared via librarian Adam Lisbon on Facebook who was part […]