Via HeyJude…. fascinating stuff.
If you are blogging with your students, or you are thinking of blogging with your students, I encourage you to not think of blogs as a writing assignment, but instead to look at them as conversations. Conversations that can give you both feedback about a lesson, or continue a conversation well after a lesson has ended. Blogging brings a new dimension to the classroom. You cannot blog and not change the structure of your classroom. Two great examples of this are Mark Ahlness and Clarence Fisher, both of whom have seen blogging completely change the structure of their class.
You see the problem with blogs is we are not accustomed to conversations extending past 3 o’clock when the bell rings. We are not used to having conversations that include more than the 30 students in our class or can affect others in a different hemisphere.
So really, there is not a problem with blogs, the problem lies in how we utilize the power of the conversations that they create to engage students in the learning process.
I’ve used blogs in my LIS753 class and hope to add them somehow to my Intro to Library Science class. Should first semester students start blogging immediately in library school?